
Ferris Bueller's Day Off Psychology

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Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of my favorite movies of all time. He lets go of all responsibility for an entire day and is open to any and all adventures that come his way which reminds me of my experience with yoga. We could all learn some very valuable lessons from this movie. When practicing yoga is the only time I feel that I get to connect with myself and feel open to anything that comes my way. Ferris’s day off is his form of yoga because he is able to reflect on what makes him happy. By taking a day off from all responsibility Ferris gets to do what makes him happy and reflect on himself and his friends throughout the day. While watching the movie I was most focused on Ferris and his routine throughout the movie. I felt as though his day off was a very long form of meditation for him and taking a break from his daily routine. The definition of meditation from “The Yoga Journal” is to “engage in contemplation or reflection” another definition for meditation is “The object of meditation is anything used to help focus the mind” (Pg. 217). Both of these definitions seem very true to my meaning of meditation which is giving yourself time …show more content…

I have learned to stay in the moment and it’s not a bad thing to focus on yourself at times. I believe if you notice you’re in the moment, you’re present, you’re paying attention to every detail, savoring the moment, you win. You are a success! If you notice you’re not in the moment, you’re not present, you’re not paying attention to every detail, not savoring the moment, you loose. The quote made by Ferris "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." This has been my favorite quote from this movie because I feel it describes my expiernce with yoga the best because yoga has given me time to analyize myself and take a break get to reflect on life instead of taking a day off like Ferris and his

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