Ryan Webb
HIST 2311
Professor Coyle
Major Essay 2: Feudalism In Western Europe during the Middle Ages feudalism was the dominant social system between the 8th and 15th century. The term feudalism describes the relationships between the crown, the nobility, knights, and the peasantry. Under the feudal system, the crown provided land to the nobility for their own use. In exchange for the land, the nobility provided the crown with knights to serve in the military. At the bottom of the hierarchy was the peasantry who worked the on the nobles land to provide for them. While this social system provided several benefits it also had disadvantages. During the Middle Ages Europe was very unstable due to wars and invasions. The kings
But the middle ages was a real time period. Feudalism was a major influence in the middle ages that affected Europeans social, political and economic lives. Feudalism is the relationship between the kings, nobles, knights and serfs. A knight would fight and protect for the Lord, and then the Lord would give them land in return (OI). The same thing would happen with knights and serfs.
While living in a feudal society life was much different than modern day. Many people were considered peasants just for the family they were born in. A feudal society could be divided into three parts, the social, political, and economic parts. Feudalism was well known during the Middle Ages, which lasted from 476 CE to the 14th century (OI). Part of the feudal society included social, political, and economic.
Feudalism was a political, economic and social system that exchanged land and loyalty in return for protection. It was a commerce of protection and goods, as seen in the feudal system diagram, there are different types of social classes that have arrows describing what they are trading and to whom they are trading (Document 4). In the late ninth century, peasants gave food and service to the knights in exchange for protection. The knights gave military service in exchange for shelter and defense. The lords gave military aid while the king gives them fief and peasants etc.
The Feudal System The Feudal System is the system that controlled how people lived in Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. It also determined who were more respected than others. The order from, highest to lowest on the structure was the Pope, Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies, Priests and Monks, Knights, merchants and farmers, and peasants. Those higher on the structure lived in better houses, wore better clothing and lived a healthier life than those lower on the structure.
The societal mindset that was prevalent in medieval Europe, feudalism, phased out due to the bubonic plague and the religious beliefs of the people.
The European Feudal system was developed around the twelfth century. It was developed as a way for the poor and lower class people to be protected from the incoming viking and barbarian invasions. This system offered something to the people that they could never achieve by themselves. It was a completely beneficial system, meaning that everyone involved received advantages from it. The main groups of people involved were the King, then the Nobles or Barons, then the Knights, and then finally the Pheasants.
Feudalism is defined as the dominant social system in post classical Europe. Land was passed down from the kings to the nobles, who gave it to the knights, who gave it to the peasants. These peasants farmed the land in turn for protection, a home and a share of the harvested food on the land. Peasants provide food and services to the warriors. Vassals provided military service and protection to the barons (nobles) in exchange for land. The barrons provided money and knights to the kings. European Feudalism came about in attempt to restore Europe after the fall of many different enormous and centralized empires, such as Rome Between between the 9th and 15th centuries, Feudalism led to changes such as new source of protection, as well as continuities
Although 90% of people were peasants, there was a very clear separation between the lower class and upper class. If you were a peasant you would expect to live your life out as a peasant. The same concept goes for nobility. With these roles also come their positions and worth. Royalty obviously were given far better education as their had a higher roll, in comparison to peasants who were expected to farm to feed themselves. The loss of a peasant meant nothing to the death of a king. Evidence of feudalism is often displayed by a hierarchy, displaying the classes and status powers (according to the Finer Times 2008-2015) The role of the feudal system also gave incredible power to the upper class which in turn allowed them to have control over the lower class. This enabled royalty such as kings and dukes to take a life if they so wished it. From this display of power peasants had no choice but to obey, as to disobey a king meant that you were singing away your will to live. Other social status such as Knights also played an important and dominate roll. Knights had power over the people and land, so ultimately if they wished so they could potentially banish you. According to Tammy Pattie (online author of Titles, Positions, Trades & Class, 2011) the roles of the hierarchy were irreversible meaning that unless you were born into royalty, you were essentially going to live out your life as the king demands you to do, often starving as well. The upper class had the social control over you, which meant everything during that
In medieval Europe, society depended on the feudal system "For safety and for defense, people in the Middle Ages formed small communities around a central lord or master ... In this "feudal" system, the king awarded land grants or "fiefs"
You may have heard of the Middle Ages and Feudalism, but you might not know a lot about it. Some people think that the Middle Ages is just a random period of time, but actually, it is the period of time after the fall of the Roman empire. Feudalism during the Middle Ages had its advantages and disadvantages. It caused unfairness to the lowest rank, it provided military service and protection, and it also provided economic stability.
Feudalism was a contrasting system dealing with political and military relationships existing among members of the higher social class, Kings, Lords and other owners of large lands in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. The Feudal system started by the granting of fiefs, chiefly in the form of land and labor, in return the lord would receive political and
The feudal system is social because it talks about the relationships with others. In Document, one is a chart that illustrates the relationships between social classes under the feudal system. This shows that the king gave land to the lords in return for military support. The knights gave protection to peasants in return
Feudalism was the system used in Europe during the late middle ages. The economic part of feudalism was centered on the lord's estate or manor. A lord's manor consisted of a peasant village, a church, farm land, a mill and the lord's castle. Feudalism was split in society levels. Kings would be on top with the most power, then upper lords followed by lesser lords, underneath the lesser lords were the knights, and then the serfs being the lowest social class.
The bases of feudalism is best described as a social system in Europe throughout the Middle Ages where individuals worked and battled for upper class who gave them protection and the use of the land in return for their services (Merriam-Webster). “Feudalism” is not a medieval term and not even a translation of a medieval concept (Abels 2010; Brown 2010; Bouchard 1998). In our day and time Feudalism would be difficult and baffling in several ways, but some may feel that we would benefit from it.
The High Middle Ages were marked by the rise of feudalism, the collapse of great empires, such as the Carolingians, and the increased threat of barbarian attack on the civilian populace. The feudal system, marked by increased isolation among populations, led to the invention of new military tactics and weapons to wage war with among the states and nations of Europe. The new style of leadership and new weapons and tactics all played a part in the largest conflict of the High Middle Ages, the Crusades.