
Fferent Play Space

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Play space were created to get children of the streets, when New York was being developed cars were increasing at a high rate and children had to complete with on-going traffic while playing in the street. Due to the increase numbers of cars in the city, children injuries and death was at all-time high, because they had no place to play and the cars were taking over the streets of New York. This was the main reason park were built, so that children had a safe place to play. In the early years when parks came about the served a valuable purpose for children, today it seems that park in the urban low-income neighborhoods lost its significance. According to the Wridt article, the interview she conducted of the three individuals ages ranges from 13-60 years old. These individuals arise from the same neighborhood but yet they all have very …show more content…

Victoria was an older lady that seem to have an excited and wonderful childhood as she described in the article that almost all the activities was done outdoors. She mentioned that’s there wasn’t much technology back that is now accessible to the younger generation of today whom are very tech savvy.
“Mothers allowed their children to play on the streets until late in the evening as neighbors would keep watchful eyes on their children.” The streets were a very important play space for children growing up in New York, it is still evident today because parent rather their children playing on the curb while they keep watch on them through their windows or balcony. Many parents and not opened in sending their children to the parks without any adult supervision. There are a few factors in to the reasons place spaces have changed over the years. In the urban, many of these public parks are not properly funded by the government, neglected and because of that’s they are run down and taken over

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