Mr. L has pulmonary fibrosis, meaning a build up of scar tissue within the walls of his lungs. This build up of scar tissue makes it harder for him to catch his breath for a number of physiological reasons. Irritation of his lung tissue causes inflammation and then the build up of fibrous tissue. This makes it very difficult for him to maintain adequate gas levels within his body. Naturally, there is an anatomical dead space within the respiratory system where gas exchange cannot occur. This is at any point in the respiratory system other than the alveoli. When the alveoli become involved, all of these spaces are the physiological dead space. The increase in physiological dead space is irreversible, and causes prolonged effects including air …show more content…
The rate of diffusion is inversely related to the thickness of the membrane, so this will decrease the rate at which gases can diffuse in the alveoli. As the fibrosis worsens, gases will eventually lose the capability to diffuse across the respiratory membrane because of the increased thickness (Hall, 2016, p. 523). In the lung tissue, the elasticity is determined by the collagen and elastic fibers within the lung parenchyma. Fibrotic tissue is increasing the collagen (scar) tissue in the lung (Hall, 2016, p. 499). Constricted lung diseases like fibrotic diseases keep the lungs from being able to expand to their normal capacity (Hall, 2016, p. 550). This will lead to a decreased compliance and a reduced normal …show more content…
In the beginning stages of fibrosis, shortness of breath would not be noticed with normal daily activities because there is not an increased need for oxygen at the tissues or increased production of carbon dioxide. Mr. L would likely be able to compensate for the amount oxygen needed in regular activities without feeling short of breath because the thickness of the membrane is not yet extreme enough to affect the diffusion rates for normal activities. Unfortunately, even in the beginning stages of the fibrosis, because there is an increased need for oxygen at the tissues and increased production of carbon dioxide, the thickening membrane and decreased diffusion rate will make his body feel the effects. His muscles have an increased metabolism and are not getting the oxygen that is needed, nor is the body ridding itself of the excess carbon dioxide produced by the increased muscle usage. With increased levels of CO2 in the circulation and a need for oxygen, the body would signal him to increase the amount of ventilation (Hall, 2016, 543). It should be noted, though, regardless of lung disease, shortness of breath occurs initially with exercise. When the brain begins sending motor impulses to the muscles, research has shown that it also transmits an impulse to the brain stem to excite the respiratory center. Ventilation often increases before the
The presence of fluid in the alveolar space could potentially cause the lung capacity to be effected as well.
It results when one or both of these gas-exchanging functions are inadequate . It is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying pathology affecting lung tissue function, 02 delivery, cardiac output, or the baseline metabolic state. It is a condition that occurs because of one or more diseases involving the lungs or other body systems. Symptoms of this is hypoexia and hypercapnia.
No information is given to determine previous medical history, so all possible causes can be taken into consideration related to F.T’s shortness of breath. A history of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease could contribute to this acute episode of shortness of breath, and warrants further assessment due to the risk of Cor Pulmonale associated with COPD. The indication of his increased use of an albuterol inhaler also leads me to believe that he has a previous pulmonary complication, which could be likely be COPD, or possibly Asthma as the medication is
He also had a history of shortness of breath for several months (2014). He was evaluated by the cardiologist; the test results indicated that the heart was not causing the shortness of breath. Later he was referred to a lung specialist for further evaluation.
This "dead space" of air needs to stay in your lungs constantly; otherwise the lung will completely deflate. If the lung has every bit of air sucked out of it, it will collapse and need to be re-inflated.
Cystic fibrosis causes the alveoli to be filled with secretions that the patient cannot cough up or eliminate. The diffusion from the lungs to the blood is decreased because of the secretion filled alveoli. When the PaO2 is less than 60 mm Hg, the carotid bodies are triggered and send an afferent signal from the body to the brain and producing the feeling of dyspnea.
Lung function tests have revealed normal spirometry, gas transfer and static lung volumes. There appears to be a fall in pre-bronchodilator FEV1, but not so FVC and TLCO comparing back to 2007??. Maximal respiratory pressures are reduced indicative of respiratory muscle/diaphragm weakness. This is consistent with what has previously been observed and the previous diagnosis of mild left hemidiaphragm weakness. I note from Tony Dortimer’s most recent letter that the coronary angiogram
The lung function tests showed a moderate degree of airflow obstruction with normal gas transfer factor which would be consistent with moderate degree COPD.
Both rapid, shallow breathing patterns and hypoventilation effect gas exchange. Arterial blood gases will be monitored and changes discussed with provider. Alteration in PaCO2 and PaO2 levels are signs of respiratory failure. Patient’s body position will be properly aligned for optimum respiratory excursion, this promotes lung expansion and improved air exchange. Patient will be suctioned as needed to clear secretions and maintain patent airways. The expected outcome is that the patient’s airway and gas exchange will be maintained as evidence by normal arterial blood gases (Herdman,
Anatomical dead space and functional residual capacity (FRC) play a very important role to ensure the constancy of alveolar gas tensions. Firstly it is important to understand what the anatomical dead space and FRC actually are. The anatomical dead space refers to the gas in the conducting areas of the respiratory system where air does not come into contact with alveoli. Examples of places in the respiratory system where anatomical dead space is present are the mouth and trachea. The functional residual capacity is the amount of air that remains in the lungs after a normal and passive expiration. It is usually measured at approximately 2.5 litres of air.
Choking gases irritate the lower branches of the lungs. The gases can destroy the sensitive lung tissue leading
Pulmonary fibrosis is a lung disease that occurs when the tissue deep in your lungs become thick and stiff. Over time, the damaged tissue forms scar tissue. The term for the scar tissue is fibrosis. When the scarred tissue becomes too thick, breathing becomes difficult and symptoms arise.
The alveoli in the lungs become inflamed and damaged and lose their elasticity as they become swollen and thick
The bronchi and bronchiole tubes are loosely wrapped with muscle. During regular breathing, the muscles around these airways are relaxed (5). This allows air to flow freely through these passageways to the alveoli. However, during an asthma attack, air has trouble reaching the alveoli, which prevents the body from receiving oxygen. This is because the airways become smaller. Firstly, the muscles around the airways spasm and contract. This then causes inflammation of the bronchioles and bronchi themselves, which causes a mucus to be produced.
Emphysema Emphysema is a condition in which there is over-inflation of structures in the lungs known as alveoli or air sacs. This over-inflation results from a breakdown of the walls of the alveoli, which causes a decrease in respiratory function (the way the lungs work) and often, breathlessness. Early symptoms of emphysema include shortness of breath and cough. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis together comprise chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).