Romeo Montague is a main character of the play “Romeo and Juliet” written by William Shakesere. One of the main reasons the play ends tragically is because of Romeo’s impulsiveness and fickleness throughout the play. His traits and reactions toward certain events help drive the play in a negative manner. In many situations, Romeo acts with his emotions rather than with his mind which leads to a chaotic problem or tragedy. One such event which displays Romeo’s fickleness is his sudden desire for Juliet despite having fedelings for Rosaline. In the start of the play, he mourned for Rosaline’s love by dramatically expressing in oxymorons: “Oh heavy lightness! Serious vanity”. But in a few minutes is excited to attend the Capulet ball in hopes
He isolates himself from the merrymaking both socially and physically in his refusal to dance and banter with Mercutio. Upon request by Mercutio to dance, Romeo replies by saying ‘I have a soul of lead’, connotations of lead being heavy, therefore disabling him to move, but also poisonous. This idea sustains the theory that Rosaline has deprived and made him suffer, to the degree of poison, also supporting Romeo’s melodramatic nature. Romeo spends his time, not pursuing Rosaline, but despairing ‘under love's heavy burden I do sink’. Once again, Romeo’s over metaphoric and dramatic nature describes how he is being weighed down by the symbolic weight of being out of love. It begs the question, is Romeo simply in love with the sadness of being out of it.
Rushing and taking impulsive actions can be goo sometimes, but mostly can lead to a downfall. I Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, readers enter he city of Verona and observe two lover struggle to keep there love alive. In William Shakespeare’s Rome and Juliet, the lover’s own decisions to rush marriage, family member deaths, and dying for each other revel how impulsive choices lead to their untimely death.
Throughout all of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Romeo is unarguably the most reckless character in the play. Despite several warnings being impulsive by Friar Lawrence and other characters, Romeo fails to be mindful of their advice. While it can be observed that Romeo has good intentions, he makes poor and rash decisions that lead to unfortunate circumstances for his friends and everyone around him. His regardless nature is the catalyst for nearly every tragic event that occurs, and ultimately, the deaths of himself and Juliet.
In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, two young lovers take their lives after their family feud reignites . A variety of decisions along with circumstance no one person could account for set the story of Romeo and Juliet up to be a tragedy. Many of the decisions in the play are made quickly and while emotions are running high, so frequently they result in bad outcomes. So, the rash and impulsive decisions made by men in Romeo and Juliet create the problems within the play.
Many parents or adults wonder why adolescents act the way they do and want answers as to why. Numerous of these actions adolescents make are because of the prefrontal cortex(PFC). The PFC isn’t developed until the mid 20s which causes teenagers to lack on seeing the consequences before they make a risky or impulsive decision. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, he illustrates that adolescents show impulsivity, decision making, and risk taking.
In the story, Romeo and Juliet, excessive casualties are produced when the Friar, Romeo, and Juliet each perform decisions in an impulsive manner. A plan that was given to Juliet by the Friar essentially caused three people to die and other actions by Romeo prior to that event caused the death of Juliet’s cousin Tybalt. Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare is a story about two star-crossed lovers and their tragic love life. I believe that the Friar, Romeo, and Juliet were all impetuous because of Romeo and Juliet having love at first sight, the night where Romeo and Juliet decide to get married, and Juliet accepting the Friar’s plan. When Romeo first saw Juliet at the ball, Romeo instantly became infatuated with her.
A simple decision can prove more fatal than death. In the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, characters have evidently not solved their conflicts very wisely because their decisions are based on their impassivity. One of the main characters in particular, Romeo Montague, seems to rely on his impulsiveness to resolve his conflicts. Throughout the play, Romeo makes very hasty decisions, which result in unnecessary negative consequences. Three conflicts that Romeo solves recklessly are: his struggle with love; the rivalry between the Capulets and the Montagues; and the forcefulness of love. To start, Romeo’s struggle with love is introduced.
Romeo is portrayed as an emotional and reckless character. His friend Mercutio and Fr. Lawrence comment on Romeo’s fickle attitude when he immediately falls in love with Juliet completely forgetting about Rosaline, his first love. Romeo quotes,” Did my heart love until now? Foreswear it sight, for I never saw true beauty until this night”. His love for Rosaline was superficial. Juliet transforms Romeo’s immature and erotic infatuation to true and constant love. After meeting Juliet he matures very quickly. Maybe Romeo’s love for Juliet is so intense because unlike Rosaline, Juliet reciprocates his
He is referring to hw revenge makes people stubborn. His role during the play is to help romeo and juliet because he wants the feud to stop. The use of the death faking potion and when he agrees to marry romeo to juliet is his huge devotion to trying to stop the revenge. For these things he could be killed or put in jail however does them because he knows how bad being vengeful is.
The two characters of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, change at very different degrees and ways, but their story gives an important message to teenagers of even today. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo changes minorly in his journey of love as he remains dramatic and romantic he, however, becomes much more of a rule breaker and happier, while Romeo remains the same Juliet changes drastically from a rule following young girl to a quick decision, rule breaking, in love teenager. In the beginning of Shakespeare’s play, Romeo speaks in long dramatic sonnets about love, but he seems very depressed. The reader soon discovers that the young Montague’s depression comes from the inability to be with his supposed love, Rosaline; however, Romeo soon meets Juliet and
Romeo is usually an outspoken jolly young man. Nonetheless, his behaviour changes drastically. His is confused and upset due to being infatuated with Rosaline as he says ‘’I have lost myself’’. He admits that he is not himself. He’s fickle and depressed. ‘’ Is the day so young?’’. This quote also indicates that Romeo is ever so fanatical, that
Shakespeare’s playwright of Romeo and Juliet is about the tragedies of one's young relationship with series of risk leading actions ending with the death of the young couple. Romeo is a Montague, who is also depressed because he loves Rosaline, for she doesn’t love him back. Romeo captures the sight of Juliet at the Capulet’s party, and soon forgets his love for Rosaline and loves Juliet instead. He soon realizes that Juliet is part of the family the Montagues are against. Because Romeo is blinded by Juliet’s beauty, he is eager to see Juliet once more and pleads for her love with the exchange of vows and the arrangement of marriage. Throughout the centuries, many people have different interpretations of the play such as Baz Luhrmann. Luhrmann’s 1996 interpretation of Romeo and Juliet is modern and contemporary as it
In the beginning of the play, Romeo is young and carefree, he loves Rosaline and then Juliet. He is in love with the fact that he is in love. Romeo in this case is the tragic hero, his tragic flaw is his immaturity and fickle traits. Benvolio and Mercutio make fun of Romeo in the beginning because he is always in love. Romeo goes to this party thinking that no girl is prettier than Rosaline, but when he goes and meets Juliet he thinks she is the most beautiful, and that fate brought them together. Romeo acts on this fate to make it permanent despite the several obstacles. Romeo says before the party at the Capulet’s, “I fear, too early, for my mind misgives-Some consequence yet hanging in the stars-shall bitterly begin
Romeo and Juliet is a play by William Shakespeare that tells a tragic tale of “star crossed lovers” doomed to die. The tragic end of the play is the result of the irresponsible actions and selfishness ok key characters in the play, the Nurse and the Friar. Another person in the play but isn’t responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet was Mercutio, but his actions were rash and premature.
Romeo seems to be miserable as he is in love with Rosaline yet Rosaline is not in love with him. Once Romeo learns that the Capulet’s are holding a party at which Rosaline is attending he risks his life just to be with the one he loves. Romeo is passionate for love.