
Fidel Castro's Role In The Cuban Missile Crisis Of 1962

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This investigation surveys the criticalness of Fidel Castro's role in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. While assessing Castro's centrality, the investigation also assesses his part in every phase of the Crisis in reference to different members of the occasion; Castro's part is examined in the introductory days of the Crisis, amid the shooting down of the American U-2 plane, and in the determination of the Crisis. Journals and oral history are generally used to assess Castro's hugeness. Two of the sources utilized as a part of the article, Cuba on the Brink: Castro, the Missile Crisis and the Soviet Collapse aggregated by James Blight, Allyn Bruce and David Welsh and Cuban archives, "The Mikoyan-Castro Talks, 4-5 November 1962: the Cuban Version,"

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