I chose Men’s Fellowship within the Church for my Field Education experience. This choice was the first goal during the first week of class. There are many areas of ministry to choose from; I selected Men’s Fellowship because it is critical to the growth and development of the overall body of Christ. One of the goals of Men’s Fellowship is to encourage men to dig deeper into their relationships with God, thereby empowering them to step into their roles as spiritual leaders. God’s order in the church and families has deteriorated. It is my prayer and mission to train up and teach men of God to take their places and to come from out of the shadow of women and to realize their identity in God.
I am observing Men’s Fellowship programs in other Churches and getting involved with them and serving their Men’s Fellowship and I pursue the goals to Initiate Men’s Fellowship within the Church. The needs of the men in the body of Christ are ever changing, in order to be effective I need to be knowledgeable on these needs and be able to speak to them through the word of God in a way that is relatable to them without compromising the Gospel. I have a passion for the souls of the men of God in the body of Christ and it is my goal to establish activities, group studies, and simple times of fellowship for the men of God to come together and grow
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While seeking to establish a date and time that would accommodate everyone’s work and life commitments the excuses for not being able to attend seem endless. Everyone has a reason for not being in place, I find this to be the greatest challenge to establishing anything for the Kingdom of God. God gives the vision to Visionaries, who in turn give to the people so the people can run with the vision. Many times the people are lagging behind, slothful in the things of God. I have experienced this challenge in
Galindo analyzes that the fundamental “mission” of a congregation is the same as any other congregation that exists in any part of the world. He argues that though every congregation has a mission and a vision, at the same time, it shares a basic common mission. (43) This reminds me of my home church The First Church of Evanston and my Field Site, The Evanston Vineyard Church. Both churches have a common mission of welcoming people to the church, irrespective of their ethnic, cultural, racial, and economic and, gender backgrounds. The mission is to help people be received in the house of God with due and deserved Christian love so that they feel loved and welcomed. Both these churches encourage church attendees to attend the service and receive the Eucharist.
In The Disciple Making Church: From Dry Bones to Spiritual Vitality, author Glenn McDonald addresses what he sees as the critical element missing from the modern Christian Church: discipleship. McDonald, who owns a Master of Divinity Degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, is the senior pastor at Zionsville Presbyterian Church, which was once a traditional large suburban church, in that it focused more on the needs of the church than the needs of the parishioners. In this book, McDonald discusses how he helped transform his church from a traditional church to a church that emphasizes discipleship.
Major Rick Raymer’s presentation on Men’s Ministries was beneficial and informative, as I consider Men’s Ministries in my future appointments. Major Raymer’s first comment, “Men’s club is about developing men,” however, for some officers this is not the case. For them men’s club is another program that needs to be completed for stats. They give it little attention to their men’s club because it requires more work from them, so they make it a social gathering rather than an opportunity to disciple and develop men for God.
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church seeks to connect people who are seeking or looking for deep moral truths and values based in love, selflessness and service to others with the Life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Friendship Baptist Church, founded in 1976, by a small contingency of disgruntled members of a local church. The group separated from the offending church and elected their first leader. A demographic profile of the group is African American (five women and four men), median to poverty level income and vocational classification and little or no formal education. The demographic numbers as to population of target location show a large segment of Hispanic and Asian Americans. The desired new organization would pursue a purely religious direction in services and missional objectives within the target community. Friendship’s former leader and the style utilized in leadership was effective for a dispensation of time, but was not conducive to lasting and repeatable gains or development. The leader became the sole voice of direction, vision and mission. The leader, furthermore, was typically seen as above questioning. This led to disconnection and dissention within the organization and a departure of members as well. The following is a chart of the membership growth and decline over the life of the organization.
God’s people have been gathered for restoration, empowerment and sent out into mission. The small group is the gathering space to help people experience forgiveness, healing, encouragement, affirmation, trust and courage. This preparation to be sent back out into a hostile and alienated world that needs to hear, see, and touch the presence of Jesus Christ lived out through empowered individuals and groups. The introduction of each chapter will reflect the healthy small group ministry of The BCC Exercise Ministry of my
14- The church has a pretty good of Men's Group, is it important for the church to have a solid Man ministry.
Instead of being a women’s worst enemy and stereotyping the “weaker” sex as manipulative, mean-spirited, and deceptive; we should work at developing a Christian community with “Dorcas style” friendships. Perhaps our legacy might be a ministry still alive in the next
The church becomes a safe place Russell says when the good news, pouring out of the spirit, hospitality, and justice are distributed to everyone (Russell, 52). This mission is not lived out when the church does not draw attention to women. In my home church, there is often talk of being a welcoming church for all classes races genders, and sexuality, but I am used to hearing of these gifts are given to males only. While I have never agreed with is, I did not realize what kind of community can be made when focus of these gifts towards women is given. It is a jolting shock to realize that the welcoming church you thought you were part of is actually not
So the challenge for churches is how to pull together seven to 10 leaders with a shared passion for connecting people to Jesus in the same community. Once again the relational models for starting new churches meet the need.
Over the years, many models have been developed and implemented to endeavor to make disciples. Some of the models have been effective and others have not. Among some of the most biblical and efficient models are the ones that involve small groups. Within the small groups models, they can be broken down into further detail, such as pastoral involvement, the church’s goal, missions mindedness, etc. In this paper, I will explain my philosophy of small groups in a church and the importance of the relational group in authentic disciple making. I will also explain how missional groups can help the body of Christ move out into the community. Finally, I will summarize my status in regards to living in community with other believers and being missional with that community.
In this paper, the student-writer will discuss the methods that are taught in In Effective biblical counseling: A model for helping caring Christians become capable counselors by Crabb (1977). The student-writer will also use what is taught in this book with the skills that are expressed in Creating a Healthier Church; Family Systems Theory, Leadership, and congregational life by Richardson (1996) and Blessed Connections: Relationships that sustain vital ministry, by Schwanz (2008). The student-writer will compare and contrast the skills that are mentioned in these books to establish a well maintained way in which to ministry to clients, and meet their needs as a counselor.
This course has had a great impact on my walk with Christ as well as my witness for Christ. I pastor a church and teach two classes and for me I thought that I was doing plenty. However this course has helped rekindle my passion for sharing Jesus Christ with people through personal evangelism. This paper will demonstrate what I have learned throughout this course.
Women have been involved in Christian ministry since the very beginning of Christianity. It has declined and risen according to the acceptance of the environment. The two papers addressed in this essay document the rise of women ministers in the Holiness movement as well as the decline of women in the modern Pentecostal movement. In response to this decline in women in ministry, Courtney Stewart gave points which the UPCI should tackle to rectify the situation.
In accordance with our church mission statement, the objective of this plan is to justify the need for Christian education within our church, using Scripture as the supreme authority and example, and identify strategies in which we might intentionally seek to develop a Biblical system of discipleship for our congregation throughout the entire lifespan. This discipleship plan will serve as a model to follow when determining the “who”, “what”, “when”, “where”, “how”, and “why” of teaching in our church. This plan includes the Biblical and theological foundations for education within the church, a lifespan disciple-making model, which outlines a process of
There are many aspects to teaching and as a teacher it is necessary to understand the most important aspects of teaching and how they should be incorporated into the classroom. A teacher’s most important job is not to teach specific material but to build relationships with the students and ensure they feel safe and cared for. Once the teacher is able to ensure this then they should focus on teaching, however teaching is more than listing off facts and sharing information with the students. As teachers it is essential we try to engage our students. There are many ways to engage students and each teacher as a specific way they get their classroom involved in learning. During my field experience I have learned the importance of being able to engage students and I have seen what a classroom looks like when students are not engaged. My field experience has helped to reflect on student engagement and how I would place the experience in my philosophy of education.