
Field Officer Training Report

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As a kid Ben always wanted to be a teacher, but when he became a junior and senior he could see people in his class getting into bad things like alcohol and drugs. When he saw those kids he wanted to help and that's when he thought he would join some sort of law enforcement to have a chance to help those kids that are going down the wrong path. Later after high school he went to college at Alexandria tech for two years but later found out that his credits would not transfer to get a four year and higher so he went to CLC for two years and then transferred to St. Cloud for his four year and then later on to get his masters. After that he went to a police office to work in his area and started his fto training. Ben said that there are a lot of changes but the biggest is technology. Ben wanted to help kids in his high school when he was a kid and that's what triggered him to be a police officer. Once he was an adult …show more content…

In the first days he went through what is called FTO or Field officer training this course can take from a couple weeks to a couple months depending on the area you go to, the bigger the area the longer the training. In this course the department teaches you their routine for the day and what they do on certain calls and how they handle different situations. The department hopes that in the weeks that they do this they can get you experience with what they normally see and do on a daily bases. Ben finished training and was on his own patrolling and responding to the calls they get. Ben was different though because the department he works for let him be part time so he could teach his permit to carry classes and go around and teach people about law enforcement. He says that one of the biggest changes in policing is technology because when he started you did everything by hand but now everything is done on some sort of technology reports are typed instead of

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