After a more than 30-year intermission we’re back with Meeting of the Minds. Tonight on our show we have Isaac Newton, George Washington, Alexander Fleming and Adolf Hitler, and we’ll be discussing what they think their biggest accident was. “Oldest first, Mr. Newton what was your greatest accident?” I expect him to have to think hard for an answer due to his amazing achievements. Quickly, he answers, “My discovery of gravity. Me seeing the apple fall that inspired my theory was completely accidental.” Very intrigued I move on to my next guest George Washington with the same question. Again I suspect this question will trouble him due to his countless great achievements. Surprisingly, President Washington answers without hesitation “Escaping …show more content…
Although this comes as no surprise considering your crimes.” While these men speak I watch completely surprised. I knew the other men would feel disdain towards Hitler, but the cornerstone of the argument, humbleness, took me by surprise. At this point President Washington says,”I would like to teach all of the viewers something about human nature.” After my nod of approval he asks Fleming “ What did you do after stumbling onto penicillin, did you sell the knowledge?” “No, I merely continued to research it and published my findings to share with the world” Fleming, also intrigued by Washington’s motive, replies. Washington now excited responds, “Exactly! To do a real good deed you must be doing it for the good of all not just yourself” “Precisely!” Exclaim Newton and Fleming in unison. Happy to end this I intervene saying, “That great point by President Washington concludes our interview thank you all for attending. I know it took you a long time to arrive
Everyone knows George Washington as the first president, but most people do not know his other roles in the creation of the United States of America. In Joseph J. Ellis’s book, His Excellency George Washington, Ellis tells about Washington’s life. He includes his time as a general in the Revolutionary War, his life in retirement after the war, and also his time as the president. Ellis’s main focus in the book is to paint a picture for the reader so it almost feels like they are right next to Washington as his life is explained. The information in his book allows for readers to have a better understanding of what Washington went through in his life and also ,at times, gives educated guesses on what Washington might have been thinking. Through this book, it is easy to see why George Washington is referred to as one of the greatest Americans to ever live.
“I’m proud of you,” Truman said. “You really deserve this. I consider this a greater honour than being president.”
Jefferson shrugged, “The end result wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” Jefferson paused for a second, “Theodore Roosevelt, we may be different people with different views, but I think you’re doing well in helping the American people. It could be worse.”
History Essay George Washington was the president that left the biggest impact on America because he was the first, so he set many precedents. George Washington was loved by the people of America. “First in the hearts of his countrymen.” (Document 1)
“What did Washington mean by “Cast down your bucket where you are?”? How does he feel about African Americans performing manual labor, especially in the South?
George Washington was the first president. Before that he was known as General Washington. He fought in many wars such as the French and Indian war in 1767. He was known as “the father of his country”. You can tell that he must have been a very good president because did a lot of stuff and since he was re-elected. George Washington died at 67 years old. In that period of time, dyeing at age 67 was pretty good. He died from a throat infection. He was president from 1789- 1797.George Washington had five brothers and one sister. George Washington was the only president that didn’t run for president! George Washington went to school for eight and a half years then he was home schooled.
Wooden teeth? Impossible strength? Slave owner? Three myths you may know about the first president of America. What if two out of three of those myths were false and one true? Which one would you believe to be true and which two would be false? George Washington was known for an abundance of things, for example, he was the commander of the Continental Army, and he practiced the Anglican/Episcopalian religion. What many people do not know, is that President Washington, did not have a middle name because during the 19th-Century, middle names weren’t normal as they are today. Born on February 22, 1732, George Washington probably didn’t plan on becoming a worldwide leader and commander and chief. As he grew older, his father, Augustine, and mother, Mary Ball Washington had a quite “popular” business that they owned and Washington, at an early age would then inherit the family ‘business.’ Washington also had health issues but that did not stop him from treating the people he employed like actual human beings, instead of animals like everyone else. Even people who are born into a difficult and harsh family business, with health problems can still be genuine human
In this essay I will analyze the presidencies of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. I will describe the good and bad decisions made during their terms and if they had a successful presidency and benefited america the best they could. After the American Revolution, George Washington was unanimously voted our young nation's first president. George Washington knew he wasn’t the smartest person in the room, so he appointed Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of Treasury.
These lessons would seem to stay with him throughout his life. He is also erroneously
election. John Adams was elected vice president. Washington took the oath of office as the first
George Washington is seen, to the general public, as a larger than life figure. As a society, Americans have a tendency to view him as a legend, even to the point of creating stories that tell us false stories about his childhood and adulthood. Myths are taught to us from a young age about how the very first president had wooden teeth, and that he was somehow so pure that he could not tell a lie, and that he had such magnificent upper body strength that he threw a silver dollar across the Pontiac. George Washington was both an experienced military leader and a strong political leader, but in which field did he have the most impact?
“I am grateful for your invitation to address this Joint Meeting of Congress. It is a honor of being here. I would like to express my sincere recognition to all Senators and Representatives of the United States present as well as to all the people that work hard to build this blessed country. The efforts done by the Congress of the United States is for all the people and for the benefits of the next generation. We know that the responsibility of Congress is to contribute, under their legislature, to the growth of the nation and the good of all its people. We also have a responsibility to provide security and sustainability to our families as well as to the nation that gives us freedom and great opportunities to go beyond our expectations.
About 200-300 years ago, a very intelligent man who goes by the name Isaac Newton had been studying
Isaac Newton was a scientific genius who helped the world understand many concepts. Isaac Newton is probably most famous for his discovery of the laws of motion which describe gravity for the first time. The laws of motion also described the force of an object depended on two things, mass and acceleration. With Newton’s help the modern world has been able to innovate and invent many things some that during Newton’s time was thought of as impossible. Isaac Newton was a scientific genius who was the first to describe gravity, he wrote three laws of motion, and finally helped modernize the world with the understanding of gravity.
20,000 people a year. That is 3.1 percent of the whole population, which ranked number one in 2015-2016. More and more people are moving here every year. That also means students need education every year about the history of Seattle. An educational field trip to Seattle Washington would be to visit the University of Washington, Museum of Pop Culture, and the Pacific Science Center.