
Field Trip George Washington Analysis

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After a more than 30-year intermission we’re back with Meeting of the Minds. Tonight on our show we have Isaac Newton, George Washington, Alexander Fleming and Adolf Hitler, and we’ll be discussing what they think their biggest accident was. “Oldest first, Mr. Newton what was your greatest accident?” I expect him to have to think hard for an answer due to his amazing achievements. Quickly, he answers, “My discovery of gravity. Me seeing the apple fall that inspired my theory was completely accidental.” Very intrigued I move on to my next guest George Washington with the same question. Again I suspect this question will trouble him due to his countless great achievements. Surprisingly, President Washington answers without hesitation “Escaping …show more content…

Although this comes as no surprise considering your crimes.” While these men speak I watch completely surprised. I knew the other men would feel disdain towards Hitler, but the cornerstone of the argument, humbleness, took me by surprise. At this point President Washington says,”I would like to teach all of the viewers something about human nature.” After my nod of approval he asks Fleming “ What did you do after stumbling onto penicillin, did you sell the knowledge?” “No, I merely continued to research it and published my findings to share with the world” Fleming, also intrigued by Washington’s motive, replies. Washington now excited responds, “Exactly! To do a real good deed you must be doing it for the good of all not just yourself” “Precisely!” Exclaim Newton and Fleming in unison. Happy to end this I intervene saying, “That great point by President Washington concludes our interview thank you all for attending. I know it took you a long time to arrive

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