
Fieldwork Research Paper

Decent Essays

Did you know that becoming a teacher you have to go through fieldwork ( The fieldwork is when you come to a school for a certain amount of days and observe. Then as time goes by you get to teach the class yourself. After a month of teaching your professor comes and evaluates how you do for about 2 days a week. But while you’re there you work under an experience teacher for a semester it’s how you learn while teaching. While you’re teaching there’s still classes you have to take (teaching The classes you can take are normally open to you in high school. Like a class that teaches you what you need to know to pursue your dream. You could also take sample courses. You need a bachelor’s degree ( The degree has to be in a certain field. Like English, history, or sciences. Then you get to go to degree program where you can train and take classes to get your next degree. The classes would be a big help but that’s when the expenses come along. …show more content…

You get payed 54,890 dollars a year ( In my opinion that’s enough money to pay bills and all of your other personal things. But others say that’s a big money jump from where they’re working or what they’re making. That’s one of the main reasons people don’t want to be teachers. The beginning rate of money as a teacher is 40,000 dollars ( The middle rate is when you start to make 50,000+ a year. The highest amount you can get paid is 60,000 dollars but that is when you have been working there for years and get more experienced in that field. Although you’re likely to get the job you still have to know the job outlook just for a better understanding of our chances in getting the

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