
Fifth Edition (ADHD)

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The most recent edition of manual for ADHD , is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) which was released in 2013 that changed how ADHD is being diagnosed in children and adult.

Teen and Adult ADHD ; the diagnoses is focused on children as the primary ones to be diagnosed with ADHD . This means that many children would meet diagnoses because the DSM-5 requires the diagnoses and documentation of children before the age of 7 years . So to get the accurate symptoms diagnoses , the clinicians are required to look back on the early age of the child for obvious symptoms of ADHD in order to get the criteria description and give example of how the disorder appears in the teens and adult.

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Victims of ADHD has difficiuty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities.

. Victims does not appear to listen when spoken to directly.They are foegetful in daily activties.

. They are easily distracted by extraneous stimuli.

. They have hard time organising tasks and activities. They are reluctant to complete tasks that requires sustained mental effort.

ADHD-Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive Presentation

. They have difficuty remaining seated.

. The children runs around and climbs excessively and extreme restlessless in adult.

. They have difficulty engaging in an activity quietly. Talks excessively

ADHD- Combined Presentation

These individuals meets both sets of inattention and hyperactive/impulse criteria.

The National Resource Center gave a lot of important information concerning the disorder of ADHD and the usefulness of the new edition of DSM-5 criterion that allows the three presentation of the ADHD symptoms conditions on teen and adults during diagnoses.


American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordes, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)

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Teen and Adult ADHD ; the diagnoses is focused on children as the primary ones to be diagnosed with ADHD . This means that many children would meet diagnoses because the DSM-5 requires the diagnoses and documentation of children before the age of 7 years . So to get the accurate symptoms diagnoses , the clinicians are required to look back on the early age of the child for obvious symptoms of ADHD in order to get the criteria description and give example of how the disorder appears in the teens and adult.

The article from National Resource Center on ADHD also said that, the previous edition DSM-IV TR, referred ADHD as " Subtype " but it has changed to "Presentations", for the reason that symptoms of ADHD changes over constantly and the effects on the victims changes as well during the lifetime of the

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