
Figurative Meaning Of The Dead By James Joyce

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The short story of Dubliners by James Joyce, “The Dead,” is set in the boisterous early twentieth century, which brings up the political background of Ireland at that time. This political setting was hesitant but still optimistic, as Ireland demanded independence from Great Britain and went through a climactic cultural recovery. The author James Joyce appropriately uses the main character, Gabriel Conroy, and Gabriel’s wife, Gretta Conroy, to help develop the theme of encounters between the recently dead and the living within the Irish society.
Both characters of Gretta Conroy and Gabriel Conroy in “The Dead” are also the main purpose for which the title of the story is created. For instance, one function of the character of Gabriel’s wife, Gretta Conroy, in the story is to demonstrate the figurative meaning of the title. “The Dead” has reference to the feelings of …show more content…

This second and last example of “The Dead” in a figurative sense is the turning point in the change of Gabriel Conroy’s feelings at the end of the story. Although Gabriel Conroy may look as a successful well-educated person, most of his way of living is focused internally. In other words, Gabriel is moderately a person who feels inclined to withhold information about his feelings and thoughts.
When certain circumstances happen, these factors make him think about so much of his own life as that of the life of any nearby person to him in general. Gabriel, for example, would like to “love” intensely his wife, but his ambition to have control of her feelings is stronger than anything else, (Joyce 213). As a consequence, he maintains a great deal of memories of his relationship to his wife Greta in the past that are important for him. Notwithstanding, Gabriel recognizes that his marriage has not been quite favorable, but hopes the tension between them may someday

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