I have always been, and will always be an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, as I belong in it myself. However, after watching Gender Revolution A Journey with Katie Couric, my admiration for the individuals who endure everyday struggles like the ones in the documentary has tripled. One's sex is not a choice, you can be born male, female or the complicated intersex which was discussed a lot in the movie. The surgeries recommended and performed by doctors on intersex children is a violation of their right. Although it was cited that the amount of intersex individuals who receive the treatment, are changed to female, and come out happy with the choice. However, this percentage is not at 100%, 1 in 10 disagree with the choice of the doctor and …show more content…
are not new words or individuals in the human race. As noted by multiple people in the documentary, it's been present for as long as society has. The part that particularly struck a chord with me was the transgendered male who identifies as a female, and decided to go on blockers to stop her impending puberty as a male. She was discussing her story with her Mom, when her Mother said at age seven she was depressed and suicidal, which is essentially woke her up to her daughter's struggles and life outlook. I know that mental illnesses such as depression can affect anyone, at any age, but most of the time the age is older than …show more content…
Ones that spend the weekend at the mall with their friends and are at the least, slightly naïve to the horrors of the world. I do not think of children who lock themselves in their rooms and think that dreaming of death is the only way they will ever be able to be their true selves. It is completely disheartening. I wish I could just snap my fingers and grant the option for all transgenders to transition, have the sex confirmation surgeries, or even use the bathroom that they identify with. However, I am a cisgender female who can only do so much, as I am not the one enduring the discrimination. I can support, attend rallies, and educate others, but I cannot speak to or for the transgender community, which is an important asterisk to be noted and remembered. It is not asking too much. The LGBTQ+ community is not asking for too much. It is basic rights that have been stripped away from us because we do not fit into the norm that society is used to or knows how to act towards. It has been a fight for many years and it will continue to be long after my generation is
In the last several years the United States of America has shown progression towards equality for LGBT. With whole states being the frontrunners of support for LGBT rights it has become apparent that change is happening. In 2012 gay marriage was legalized in all fifty states, allowing many couples the ability to wed. Close friends of my mom were able to wed because of the law. Not only has there been steps taken for sexuallitys but, also for those who are transgender. In the last couple years the Transgender Community has seen discussion after discussion about the use of bathrooms. It has shown that there’s many who support trans bathroom rights and that the country is willing to move forward. Also on the chopping block of the transgender
Topics concerning transgender can be very overwhelming for some. When one thinks of the term transgender, one may think of the process of an individual identifying as the opposite sex. The opposite sex of what he or she was born as. For some, this may involve undergoing surgical procedures or taken hormonal medications to fulfill their desire. However, when thinking of this process, one automatically thinks of transgender adults. This is rarely a topic that one would assume would be racing through the minds of young children, but in fact it is. More children today than ever, are either speaking out about their identity concerns, or displaying it in their lives. In fact, according to Date Line NBC, “The handful of American doctors who specialize
The documentary that I watched this week is called Intersexion. This documentary talks about different people who are intersexual. Intersex can be define as a abnormal condition of being intermediate between male and female. The individuals share their stories about growing up being intersex. Mostly all of their stories are the same. The individual is born and doctors do not know what they are because the individual as both male and female sexual anatomy. It depends if the individual grows up looking either like a male or female that they decide to do surgery. Many of these individuals were not aware of having this condition until later in life. A doctor called John Money had a theory that gender was the product of “nurture not nature”. In
All in all, the documentary The Middle Sexes covers many controversial topics. Some of these topics include the biology of middle sexes, the dangers of being a transgender, and societies outlook on transgenders. With much analysis, I’ve realized that this film has too narrow of a perspective on transgenders and middle sexes. The restricted perspective prevents the audience from being
People who identify as transgender need visibility in society so people can get educated on the matter and they can get what they need.
When discussing injustices, it is pivotal--for the sake of true progressive social change--to include all oppressed groups into the dialogue. Transgender People tend to be heavily misrepresented and demonized. Because of transphobia, there
With so little transgender celebrities and almost no representation of transgender in the media, it is no wonder that you hear of so many trans youth killing themselves. The most famous representation of the transgender community is Sophie in Orange is the New Black, who was thrown into prison for credit card fraud to afford her transition. There is also Adam on Degrassi, a female to male transgender whose mom did not fully accept him until he was dying. Degrassi is my favorite representation of transgender youth because when people of the school found out about Adam, the jocks of the school started to tease him and pick on him, even throwing him into a window. This accurately showed what it is like to be living as a transgender person in a bigoted society where you don’t feel like you belong. One celebrity that comes to mind when some hear the term ‘transgender’ would be Caitlyn Jenner. Born Bruce Jenner and being a famous Olympian, she proudly came out as Caitlyn and made the brave decision to publically transition. But yet, people of the world did not want to accept her as Caitlyn. People even made pictures and posts saying “Bruce is not brave, our soldiers are brave,” and comments out loud saying “Gender identity is something Bruce Jenner is struggling with.” Although there was a number of support, trans youth cannot be expected to fully come out and love themselves if they have very little representation and
What if you had a child who was experiencing gender dysphoria? A child who didn’t feel that they were comfortable being the gender that they were born into? What would you do if your child wanted to become the opposite gender? In the documentary “Growing up Trans” (TV Episode 2015) Children who are experiencing gender dysphoria tell their stories about what it’s like growing up transgender. The documentary offers insight on the issues and complications the children and their parents face while transitioning.
First, people need to know what a transgender kid is. The google definition for transgender is denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.() This is what is happening in the case of many children today. It is also important to explore both sides of the argument. The argument against transgender issues is that people are born a certain gender and only that gender, and it is a mental issue if that child thinks otherwise. In the documentary, a psychologist describes that people might be born with one gender but their spirit or their brain are the opposite genders. This is what people for transgender issues believe.
In the film ‘Her’, directed by Spike Jonze, the main protagonist,Theodore Twombly conveys the idea of alienation via technology and its possible effects, due to his depression via his divorce and his easy going relationship with an artificial intelligence operating system named Samantha. The idea of alienation and technology and its possible effects on human relationships is conveyed via the quote, “Sometimes I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel. And from here on out, I'm not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I've already felt.” Theodore recently experienced is his divorce depression, and therefore becomes vulnerable, anti-social from society and isolated himself, by spending time with the artificial intelligence
Transgendered people in America have made many great strides since the 1990s. They have encountered violence, lack of health care, and the loss of homes, jobs, family and friends. There have been many phases of the struggle of being transgendered in America over the years. The current phase we must be in now is equal rights. There are many variations of discrimination against the transgendered community. In our society we simply do not like what we do not understand. It is easier to discriminate than to try and understand. We are all created different and we should appreciate our differences. The change must come by addressing the views of the public. There is much justification in the unequal rights of transgendered peoples. The Human
Transgenderism was initially given the title of gender dysphoria and is now referred to as gender identity disorder or G.I.D. “...some children as young as 3, show early signs of gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder, mental health experts who work with transgender children estimate...” (Park). Although a child can present with early symptoms of gender identity disorder, there is no way to ascertain whether or not it is temporary. Eli Coleman previously chaired on a committee for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an international association devoted to individuals with G.I.D. The committee 's purpose was to update the treatment guidelines. He said, “It’s important to acknowledge the signs of gender dysphoria especially for children”(Park). Consequently getting the right kind of help after acknowledging the child shows any symptoms is more
Intersex Society of North America’s principle is that “one’s genitals are primarily for one’s own use, not for the comfort of others.” therefore, the patient should be allowed to choose for their own body and not have to stand by their parents preferences. There have been numerous cases, where an infant was given unnecessary surgery to "normalize" them to fit society’s standards. The family of the children were told to keep their condition a secret, sometimes even keeping the condition a secret from the child as well, just like Davis’ story. Today Intersex adults stand up against the medical treatment they were given as children to say the treatment they received was “harmful, lead to sterility, ongoing pain, scarring, and incontinence, loss of genital sensation and sexual function, and depression.” (The Interface Project) Through support groups members have discoursed their views and opinion of surgery performed on infants through their own personal experience advocating that child should be able to have a say in their
Transgender inequality has gone on for a lot of years, causing commotion, suicides, and more. Due to the lack of respect to transgender people, some feel like they don’t belong here, because of all the hate they get from others and end their life which should never happen. In 1952 “Christine Jorgenson became the first American to have a sex change” (The New York Times). The first transition from male to female sex was starting the new transgender phenomenon. One person started something and now a bunch of people do it. If someone else isn’t comfortable as who they are why would another make fun of them, when they know they are already nervous in their own skin. Transgender is a category that more people should take a stand on and protect: “That’s why we defend free speech and advocate for political prisoners, and condemn the persecution of women, or religious minorities, or people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender” Mr. Obama said (The New York Times).On New York Times it states, “It is always a tragedy when anybody takes their own life, doubly so when they are so young.”This week Leelah Alcorn took her own life. In her
Many people do not understand what it is like to be transgender but choose to speak over transgender people even when they say it is wrong and not how it is. If people would just listen to trans people then there would be less issues. To help people understand what is going on in this world for trans people I will explain what is happening in today’s world. I will show you some of the issues trans people face in the public eye. Even with talking about all of theses different experiences they are still not everyone's point of view and can not be taken as something every trans person experiences. There are trans people who will never experience any of this hate and others will only experience the hate and none of the good parts.