
Film Analysis: A Journey With Katie Couric

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I have always been, and will always be an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, as I belong in it myself. However, after watching Gender Revolution A Journey with Katie Couric, my admiration for the individuals who endure everyday struggles like the ones in the documentary has tripled. One's sex is not a choice, you can be born male, female or the complicated intersex which was discussed a lot in the movie. The surgeries recommended and performed by doctors on intersex children is a violation of their right. Although it was cited that the amount of intersex individuals who receive the treatment, are changed to female, and come out happy with the choice. However, this percentage is not at 100%, 1 in 10 disagree with the choice of the doctor and …show more content…

are not new words or individuals in the human race. As noted by multiple people in the documentary, it's been present for as long as society has. The part that particularly struck a chord with me was the transgendered male who identifies as a female, and decided to go on blockers to stop her impending puberty as a male. She was discussing her story with her Mom, when her Mother said at age seven she was depressed and suicidal, which is essentially woke her up to her daughter's struggles and life outlook. I know that mental illnesses such as depression can affect anyone, at any age, but most of the time the age is older than …show more content…

Ones that spend the weekend at the mall with their friends and are at the least, slightly naïve to the horrors of the world. I do not think of children who lock themselves in their rooms and think that dreaming of death is the only way they will ever be able to be their true selves. It is completely disheartening. I wish I could just snap my fingers and grant the option for all transgenders to transition, have the sex confirmation surgeries, or even use the bathroom that they identify with. However, I am a cisgender female who can only do so much, as I am not the one enduring the discrimination. I can support, attend rallies, and educate others, but I cannot speak to or for the transgender community, which is an important asterisk to be noted and remembered. It is not asking too much. The LGBTQ+ community is not asking for too much. It is basic rights that have been stripped away from us because we do not fit into the norm that society is used to or knows how to act towards. It has been a fight for many years and it will continue to be long after my generation is

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