
Film Analysis: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Decent Essays

Janet Su
Professor Xue
October 21 2015
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon The film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, directed by Ang Lee revolves around ancient chinese martial arts, highlighting 2 specifically skilled women warriors (Jen Yu and Shu Lien) who break out of the traditional social norms set in chinese history. The director of this film really brought out the capability of women leading strong and independent roles, instead of the typical weak, timid, and compliant roles. He compared and contrasted the gender roles set for women back in the day, and used Jen Yu and Shu Lien’s characters to reflect on how women feel trapped in the set social norms. The most obvious trait that Jen Yu and Shu Lien possesses is that they lead strong, independant, willful and somewhat rebellious roles. Women were conventionally see as the weaker sex and unable to defend themselves against males. However they are shown to be as powerful as some of the men warriors in the movie. In one specific scene, where Shu Lien is chasing down the thief of Mu Bai’s sword (later known to be Jen), the men were unable to catch up to the …show more content…

However throughout the film, it can be seen that Jen Yu and Shu Lien had little to no expression of love for their man. Jen Yu and Shu Lien have expressed their love for their man but never did it get to the point of being emotional for them, such as crying. Shu Lien didn’t cry for Mu Bai until his he faced his death. Jen Yu was so desperate to run away with the man she loved, but towards the end of the film she decides to leave the man. This showed that she wasn’t emotionally dependant on her man and you could see through the film as she flew off the bridge, that the man expressed more pain than she did. Both these characters were strong hearted and didn’t live up to the social norm of being over emotional and dependant on their

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