"With more U.S. police officers being targeted and ambushes up 50%, I feel this film is very timely," says Glatis. "These two officers could have avoided their fate, but their collective decisions led them down an ill-fated path. In the end, my intention is not to provide a resolution or easy answers, it's to build on a theme best reflected in Harriet Beecher Stowe's quote: "The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and for deeds left undone.”
‘“I can accept the shooting was a mistake,” Jones said about his daughter’s death as a bleary-eyed Stanley sat motionless next to him. “But I can’t accept it because they lied about it. I can’t heal properly because of it. It was all for the cameras. I don’t want no apology from the police. It’s too late”’ (LeDuff, 122).
“Man From Reno”, a bewitching independent neo-noir film, may trap you in its mysteries and moods while transmits all the anxiety and uncertainty that its characters are subjected to. This is the second time (the first was “Daylight Savings” in 2012) that the screenwriters Joel Clark and Michael Lerman join efforts with the co-writer and director Dave Boyle. They were able to fabricate a wonderful story, set in San Francisco, and involving a popular Japanese writer from Tokyo, Aki (Ayako Fujitani), who in the face of a creative/identity crisis, decides to stop writing and vanish during her press tours in the city. After an unenthusiastic meeting with some old friends from college, she stealthily checks into a hotel, where she meets an astute,
Now that I have presented a brief understanding and background of the case against the five officers and the struggles police officers and the community face in South Camden, NJ, I will examine how five officers were led off of a virtuous path by failures of the individuals and the environmental role in their demise. Specifically, I will identify the unethical behavior and contributing factors, provide my ethical opinion on the situation, the effects on the community, and how the culture of Camden Police Department may have
It’s has been one year since two NYPD officers were gunned down execution style while sitting in their marked patrol car in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. The ambush horror was met with anger and sadness across the nation as two innocent lives were lost just solely because they wore blue.
During the end of the 3rd Century, the Playwright Plautus wrote many of the first Roman comedies. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is a musical comedy film adaptation of Plautus's comedies.Set in ancient Rome, many aspects of Roman theatre, including stock characters, were included in the film’s production. While the film is based off of multiple comedies, Plautus's Pseudolus character Calidorus is nearly identical to the film’s Hero. During the time Pseudolus was written, the Crisis of the Third Century led to up to 25% of Roman population being comprised of slaves(Southern). Of the many stock characters Platus included in his comedies, Calidorus/Hero, the son of Pseudolus’s owner and the stock character adulescens, best
When police officers sadly turn to suicide, fellow officers do not understand why that person took his or her life. They start asking themselves or other police officers, why did this happen? They deny their own emotions and only focus on the police officer who committed suicide (Gilmartin, 2002). Recently in Colonie, New York a patrol officer named Israel Roman shot his son and wife, lit his home on fire and then shot himself on February 11th of this year. It was reported that the doctor called it a murder-suicide. In this case he did not just take his life, but his family’s life as well. The Colonie department is wondering why this happened, a question that is commonly asked. The police are calling it a senseless act. The patrol officer had an older son, who he went to say goodbye to at his school and called his mother before the incident. Money was left in his car, along with some of his older son’s clothes. No one is sure why he killed his wife and even why one son was left behind and another was killed. To me it does not make sense either and perhaps that is why it is called a senseless act. Police officers are pushed to the point where they think there is no way out for them, but death. Police agencies need to pay more attention to situations like this, because it is no longer the life of an officer but in certain
In February of 2013, Christopher Dorner, an ex-Los Angeles police officer, committed a series of shootings, whose victims were members of law enforcement and their friends and family. Dorner felt that he had been unfairly fired by the LAPD after falsely reporting that his partner had kicked a mentally ill man while he was being handcuffed and vowed to “bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in LAPD uniform whether on or off duty” in his manifesto he wrote, which detailed who he planned to kill and why. In the wake of these horrific attacks on police officers and their families, many articles came out, discussing Dorner’s background and interviewing people he knew. Through the depictions of Dorner displayed in the news articles and the content of his manifesto, the reader comes to understand different aspects of Dorner’s personality and his obsession with his reputation.
The correctional officer chose to become whistle Blowers after the death of inmate Preston Tate, and after the other officer said that he was the attacker in this situation. However, the correctional officers main allegations was of “brutality that the correctional officer were exploiting racial tensions to stage fights between inmates for entertainment of the prison guards (Holding, 2009)”. The prison tape shows all of this illegal behavior going on, and the two whistle blower watch other officer cohorts their coworkers in how to alter their reports to make it justifiable for the shooting that took place in the recreation yards.
Forgiveness is the ability to let someone move past a point in their life and sympathize with the person. Redemption however is more personal than forgiveness and allows you to forgive yourself for a sin and achieving that through action. The similarity between this and forgiveness is that they both allow you to move on from your sin. In the book The Scarlet Letter, the author Hawthorne uses the forgiveness and Redemption to depict the “heros” and “villains” in the book. Hawthorne uses compare and contrast methods to depict positives and negatives through the townspeople and natural life all throughout the book, giving vivid imagery and descriptive wordplay. The methods he uses gives Hawthorne the ability to compare of redemption and forgiveness throughout the book. Hawthorne also shows us that throughout the book Hester Prynne accepts that she has sinned and realizes that she must pay the price for her crime.
On May 18, 1935, the New York Age reported that “Negro Cops Get Highest Award.” Each year, the New York City Police Department awards the Medal of Honor award to police officers that demonstrate courageous acts. Out of all the police officers in the city, reports stated, “Of the twenty four medals awarded, of which four were given posthumously—two of the medals went to Negro policemen—Detective John E. Roberts and Patrolman Charles A. Barts.” During the award ceremony, Lewis J. Valentine, the Police Commissioner, recognized the officers’ noteworthy acts. Roberts received reports that three men tried to rob another man with the intent of causing bodily harm. On the scene, the perpetrators fired at Roberts, who was shot three times. Roberts killed one offender and policemen detained the other two while they tried to flee. Bart reported to the scene of a murder. At the crime scene, the murderer attempted shoot Bart, but the officer killed him.
The story focuses on four cops patrolling the streets with the lead character of O’Donnell being a veteran cop struggling with both professional and personal issues. The script does a good job of showing what patrol officers go through. It’s similar to the film END OF WATCH.
Imagine the world is invaded by aliens. Some of them eat humans, some live among humans, and others live outside of our world. You don’t know it, but many of the people who have shaped our lives and our culture aren’t even human themselves. This is the world of the 1997 film Men in Black, directed by Barry Sonnenfeld. Men in Black is a sci-fi comedy about a group of enforcement agents defending and regulating aliens from invading Earth. But if you take their costume off, Men In Black can be seen as far more than a comedy about space aliens. Under the lens of postcolonial criticism, the film reveals itself to be a veiled, political commentary on immigration. A lens is a way for us to look at a piece of literature in a whole new depiction that we may not have thought of the first time we had read or watched a piece of literature. Through the postcolonial lens, I can see the movie as a biased contrast between the immigrants and the immigration police. Interpreting the movie through this lens allows me to see that the Men in Black are the immigration police, and are considered to be the protagonists of the film. On the other hand, the aliens, or immigrants when looking through the lens, are the antagonists of the movie; The Men in Black protect the US from bad aliens, giving immigration police the positive reinforcement of the brutal evictions immigrants received in the 90s.
One of the most challenging problems I encountered this semester was reconciling the inconsistency within the Sufi textual tradition between the hagiographies of the early Sufi masters, who practiced a form of renunciation that was characterized by the unfettered relinquishment of all possessions, social relations, and familial duties, and the instruction manuals of the developing systematization of Sufism, which no longer required its students and masters to engage in such rigorous renunciation but instead substituted more moderate and socially acceptable forms of renunciation. On the one hand, Abu Na’im al-Asfahani (d. 429/1038), author of Beauty of the Righteous, refers to a group of renunciants named ahl al-Suffa, as “the apotheosis of
Part 1 - In American author's 2009 book, The Help, the primary thesis is the relationship between Black maids and white households in Jackson, Mississippi during the early 1960s. The story is really told from three perspectives, Aibileen and Minny are Black women, both maids, and Skeeter is the nickname of Eugenia Phelan, daughter of a prominent White family. Skeeter has just finished school and hopes to become a writer. In general, the relationship between the Black maids and the White employers is six sided: On one side we have the White employers who have three views: 1) Their personal and private beliefs that can range from extreme scorn and bias to kindness regarding race; 2) Their public persona that must have the "proper" attitude about Blacks and "the help," and 3) Their employer attitude, which is condescending and parental. The Black view also has three segments: 1) Their personal and private beliefs that usually range from understanding not all Whites are the same and an extreme love and empathy for the White children for whom they care; 2) The public persona that is deferential, polite, and stoic to their White bosses; and 3) Their attitude and view among the Black community, which usually separates the "poor and ignorant but rich" White souls from the Black view of family and common sense. All in all, the relationship is contentious, phony, and based on economic advantage.
For years police corruption has been a major problem in American society but where is the line between moral and unethical police corruption, many modern movies address this vary issue. Some films portray how types of police corruption can have a positive influence on society, while others show the dark side of police corruption. Many law enforcement agents join the criminal justice with the basic idea of "justice for all," however, most of them do not realize that the nice guy doesn't always win. Even though there are vast amounts of movies which specifically address police corruption we will use three main movies for our argument today, mostly LA Confidential, however, also Training Day.