If a person is thinking about planning a movie night for the family and friend. A person can type any show, movie, or book in Common Sense, and it will give you an age-appropriate rating. Furthermore, it has technology, social media, movie, music, culture, and news information. Common Sense breaks down exactly why it has a specific rating. If it is rated older because of sexual content, a person can click and find out exactly what it is referring to. A person can read all the reviews from other parents and kids as well and decide for themselves what is appropriate for their children. Common Sense is very informative. Common Sense is better than the traditional film rating system. The film rating system seems to have higher ratings for certain
It has been observed that many movies have gained or lost its reputation over the years. The values, attitudes and actions of people have changed as years have gone by, which is reflected in their changing opinions and expressions; the changing society behavior is responsible for the gain or loss of reputation of a particular movie over a period of time.
reviews can appeal to all ages that have the ability to read. Movie reviews generally have one
Newsfront (1978) is about the commencement of Australian television. It notions the changing times; the context before the television was a household object.
The data indicates that movies with a PG-13 rating have an average rating of about 3.8 for sex/nudity, 4.7 for violence, and 4.3 for profanity. The rating category with the highest variance is
Common sense is the knowledge of opinions and belief that people have in everyday life. However, it is something with no evidence to back it up. Common sense ideas are found through the struggles that people have lived through and so directly impact their opinions on certain subjects. Common sense ideas can be personal as everyone has a different outlook and opinion depending on background and experience. Taking the example of someone who is homeless. A common sensical thinker would think that they had become homeless due to not having a job or money. Common sense thinkers may also think that the reason for their homelessness comes from lifestyle, blaming alcohol and drug misuse or family for their predicament.
From the The Godfather to The Last Airbender, classic and forgettable movies alike all had to go through the MPAA to receive the glory or infamy they are remembered for today. During Jack Valenti’s 38 year reign over the MPAA, he set the standards of how movies would be rated for years to come. The MPAA’s rating system has become outdated when compared to America’s constantly changing societal standards which has allowed filmmakers to push the boundaries with their films while still getting the ratings they want.
Beginning at a very young age in our lives, the film industry influences the way in which each individual interprets the actions that are taken by a character in a film. The constant portrayal of what characteristics would best fit with defining what it is to be a hero, seem to focus mainly on masculine traits. The desirable traits that are illustrated in the majority of the films are being independent, strong, and most importantly a male. However, the film Maleficent (2014), contradicts this idea. This film tells the story of Maleficent (Angelina Jolie), a young woman that has been fooled into believing in true love. When the person she believed was her true love, removes her most precious weapon she is left with great agony and a thirst for
The Roman Republic, known for its grounding principles and spread of power is the basis of politics in many western cultures and some of its implements are still used today. The power of the Roman people allowed them to govern during the Roman Republic but only centuries later in Imperial Rome did the power fall to only one man. The transition from the Roman Republic to Imperial Rome is known to have many different causes but the sum of them led to war, war then led to conquerors and conquerors seized all of Rome’s power. The Roman Republic highlights Rome’s initial plan for prosperity but corruption quickly leads to chaos. Amidst the chaos leaders become evident and with followers they grow to be supreme rulers.
This sort of rating usually subverts common horror ratings as it is very low but this was requested by the film makers. The film starred Daniel Radcliff an actor who starred in the renowned harry potter series of films all rated at 12A so Radcliff’s fans that are usually younger were attracted to the film which aided in it’s lower rating the film makers wanted to appeal to this so the film was not as graphic as some other horror films but some parents and the BBFC still has some concerns for the children watching it at age of 12 because they found that supernatural being convincing children to kill themselves and murdering people would disturb younger children the children who wouldn’t usually watch horror films were brought by Radcliff another scene were concerns were raised was with the woman in black hanging herself from a noose and the young girl setting herself on fire with an oil lamp so they cut certain scenes darkened certain shots and reduced sound affects to achieve the lower rating which is all unconventional of a horror
Homer’s the Iliad is a tale of war and aggression (Puchner 183). Written in the 8th century, it remains relevant to society today. The basis of the Iliad, warfare, brings with it portrayals of death, grief, and the real problem with humankind: we are not peaceful beings. In a war-ridden world, these topics remain pertinent to society. These terrors of war showcased in the Iliad generate an anti-war message. With this said, Homer creates a timeless lesson against war with his work.
On the football path, Liesel stood with her Papa and Rudy. Hans Hubermanns wore a face with the shades pulled down.
There are three major standards through which I decide whether or not I will watch a film: reputation, and genre. Reputation is inclusive of friends and ratings of the film. Usually my friends and I have similar tastes and we are aroused or repulsed by the same films. Reputation is a strong and stable standard for deciding which film to go to, because with such a large population of movie watchers, major biases don't affect the reputation and ratings are fair and accurate. Also, people are inclined to give high ratings to movies that touch them or really make them think regardless
Genre is a reflection of society. Film noir is a genre that has a distinctive relationship with the American society from 1941 - 1958 because it reflects America’s fears and concerns from when they experienced major upheaval after The Great Depression and during World War I. In particular, the unstable atmosphere from the aftermath of World War 1 as Bruce Crowther, author of the book ‘Film Noir: Reflections in a Dark Mirror’, elaborates on how Film Noir films produce “a dark quality that derived as much from the character's depiction as from the cinematographer’s art.” These dark moods are transparent through the key features of the femme fatale, the film techniques and the impact of the Hay’s code on American film and American society.
An active audience is the opposite. An active audience can interact with the programme and tell them their views, and what they would like to see. They can influence the outcome of the whole show.
The evaluation of a film assigns some form of value to a film and the experience you encountered while watching the film. Evaluation can imply the criteria and standards that you can argue about to place value on a film. Thus, giving people a reason to question a film to develop reasons, make such standards are met and to understand the film. These standards can stem from the classical evaluation and pluralistic-category method which has given viewers a blueprint of how you should properly evaluate a film. There are certain ways that you can go about judging a films effectiveness. For instance, the classical evaluation method imposes the use of cinematicity within three concepts that all films should have. Like medium specificity, cinematicity allows film to distinguish itself from theatre with the use of close-ups, camera movement, etc.; thus, creates a universal structure for critics to judge a film. This is based on the creative style of the director and how much the viewers admire the way the has stuck with its cinematicity. However, the pluralistic-category does not base its evaluation on style and opinion. In all, these types of evaluations are used in different ways which will be further explained throughout this essay.