
Final Exposure and Judgement upon the Woman of Babylon

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Itwas after the flood in the time of Noah that man wondered from the East, that they found aplain land in Shinar and lived there [Genesis 11] The land was fertile and productive yet, they had a major problem. The land was full of wild animals which were killing people. Remember in Gen. 7:1-3?.

It was quite understood that it was only Noah and his family that was rescued from the earth including some selected animals. Those animals’ overpowered man and men were praying, calling upon God to intervene in their situation. They made a decree that whosoever will be a powerful man should come forward. Nimrod appeared and become famous as a mighty hunter against those wild animals. And he was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Genesis 10. 8-9 says: due to his success in hunting he became a mighty one on earth. And the God of his father Noah was with him, using him to protect his people. He was very, very powerful and obedient unto God and God was helping him to fight wild animals, as He helped David to fight and tore up bear during his training in the wilderness when he was taking care of the father’s sheep.

So, was God with Nimrod, until pride entered into him and he became a mighty hunter before the Lord, he no longer clinged to God. He never asked for direction or sought from the Lord because he was now a mighty man on earth, because of his prestige and his fame on earth, he stopped fighting the wild beasts and organized the people into a city and surrounded them with walls

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