
Final Girl Trope

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Going back to Seltzer’s idea of the killer as unidentifiable in the obvious sense, the placement of the Final Girl in the narrative center becomes then a tool for representing the society at large. Taking Clover’s idea of the “category [of] sexual violence” as pertaining to the slasher film, “violence and sex are not concomitants but alternatives, the one as much a substitute for and a prelude to the other.” Like in the slasher, sex and violence can be witnessed within public society itself as the state of a “wound culture” has grown to prominence. Sex and violence have been related throughout history in the United States along with the waves of feminism. Wound culture is fascinated by violence, and violence as related to sex primarily involves …show more content…

This critique then develops into a standpoint with the emergence of the Final Girl trope, where a female character is shown to take characteristics which are typically masculine and makes them her own, becoming then a figure of empowerment. Just as society at large attempts to repress individuals into, as Wood explains it, “predetermined roles within that culture,” the horror film uses the killer to repress the final girl into a victimized, annihilated state. In Hooper’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it was with the subversion of classical family values with the male-dominated, cannibalistic household who tried to objectify Sally. In Carpenter’s Halloween, repression of sexuality and bisexual characteristics in Laurie Strode by Michael Myers led her to become the Final Girl as the film world knows today. Finally in Demme’s The Silence of the Lambs, Clarice Starling takes a step further into the role of the Final Girl by facing head on the “wound culture” state while inhabiting the male-dominated world of law enforcement. With the role of the final girl as the self-empowered figure of the hero who pushes back against her oppressors and by the film’s end, defeats her oppressors, the horror film takes on a more feminist

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