
Final Project Psychology 1

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I chose to write my research paper over Schizophrenia. It is a psychological disorder that I have always found fascinating. Approximately 20% of North Americans will be affected by a mental illness during the course of their lifetime. (MHA, ‘What You Should Know About Mental Illnesses) More specifically, 1 in 100 Americans will suffer from schizophrenia. That means that 300,000 people in America will, at some point in their life, be affected by a very serious and highly misunderstood mental disorder. (Schizophrenia Society of America) It is a serious disorder that consumes a person 's life and is nearly impossible to control. In this paper, I will talk about the definition of Schizophrenia, the symptoms of Schizophrenia, …show more content…

The most important thing to remember though with disorganized schizophrenia is that there is a lot of strange and aimless behavior that does not make sense. Paranoid-type schizophrenia is characterized by delusions and auditory hallucinations (hearing voices that don 't exist) but relatively normal intellectual functioning and expression of emotions. The delusions can often be about being persecuted by a person or an organization, or feeling harassed or treated unfairly. People with paranoid-type schizophrenia can exhibit anger, aloofness, anxiety, and can be argumentative. (DSM-IV-TR)
The catatonic subtype of schizophrenia involves disturbances in a person’s movement. Affected people may exhibit a dramatic reduction in activity, to the point that voluntary movement stops, as in catatonic stupor. Alternatively, activity can dramatically increase, a state known as catatonic excitement.Other disturbances of movement can be present with this subtype. Actions that appear relatively purposeless but are repetitively performed, also known as

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