
Financial Empowerment Paper

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The Girl Scouts of USA created the Financial Empowerment K-12 Program to help girls develop financial literacy skills with on-line curriculum, online learning and the Girl Scout Cookie Program again promoting ‘Discover, Connect and Take Action’. The Empowerment program cultivates “Girls learn to handle money and be self-reliant, they are also learning how to bring their own values to the business world and how to use their time, talent, and resources (including money!) to make the world a better place.” (Girl Scouts, 2016) The five areas that the Financial Empowerment focus on are: The Girl Scout Cookie Program, The Girls Scout Cookie Business Curriculum, The Girl Scout Financial Literacy Curriculum, The Girls Scout Entrepreneurship Program …show more content…

Gordon Low wrote a handbook for her patrol (known today as troop) and she obtain most of the material for the handbook from British Girl Guide Manual that she brought from England. The handbook was title “How Girls Can Help Their Country”. The copy and edition that will be referenced in this paper is by W. J. Hoxie. (1972) Mr. Hoxie was an American naturalist. The handbook has six parts: Summary, Camping, Home Life, Hospital Work, Patriotism and Organization. (Hoxie, 1972) There are very interesting paragraphs on a variety of topics like “Open-Air Pursuits” or “Housewifery.” When reading the handbook, it is best to remember when the handbook was written and for whom. There is more content in the handbook that is sustainable today than unrealistic. The opening forward from Mrs. Gordon Low “If character training and learning citizenship are necessary for boys, how much more important it is that these principles should be instilled into the minds of girls who are destined to be the mothers and guides of the next generation. …. Honor, duty, loyalty, kindness, comradeship, purity, cheerfulness, and thrift, are the qualities it seeks to develop. To be a Girl Scout, a girl should love and admire these things in other people, seek to attain them herself, and promote them among her comrades, no in any priggish fashion, but through being loyal, honorable, kind and helpful, in the home, in the school, in the field, on the playground, and in the Club Room.” (Hoxie, 1972, p. vii) Mrs. Gordon Low desire to bring girls together to be helpful to each other and their country in an environment that would promote goodwill. In a time when equality was still in debate and segregation was abundant, Mrs. Gordon ask her Captains (today known as Troop Leaders) “Hate nothing but sin.” (Hoxie, 1972, p. 2) Today the Girl Scout have taken the same vision and promoted it with The Three Keys to Leadership though various journeys experiences. The National Leadership Journeys

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