
Finding Nemo Psychology

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If someone asked people to pick one of the most famous kids movies in Hollywood, Finding Nemo definitely would make the top list. The movie appeals to both children and adults, therefore is one of the most famous animations in the world. Directed by Andrew Stanton, Finding Nemo is a Disney motion picture released in 2003. I personally love this movie that I even went on scuba diving to Great Barrier Reef in Australia to observe a real life Nemo in coral reef. The reef looked very similar to the one in the movie, especially the one that looks like a flat pizza. Also, bluish coral reef that appeared on the scene where Nemo first met his classmates was in Great Barrier Reef. Unfortunately, I did not see Dory hanging out with Nemo. In addition, …show more content…

He has a son named Nemo. Nemo is his only son survived from a tragic attack that killed almost every one of his family members. During this tragedy, Marlin lost his wife and his children even before they were born. After the incident, Marlin was greatly traumatized and he began to be overprotective toward his child. After the traumatic experience, Marlin chose to secure Nemo, and Nemo could not comprehend his dad's hypochondriac response whenever he tries to enjoy his school life. One day, Nemo went on a field trip to a spot where Marlin views as somewhat hazardous. In this manner, Marlin demanded Nemo to not go to the field trip, but rather Nemo got upset that he swam far from his father as disobedience. He looks like a good kid who fears disappointing his father because he knows Marlin care him a lot. But still he needed some freedom even though Marlin was just trying to protect him due to the disability he has. Trying to prove himself to his dad, Nemo took a brave step to show that he is strong enough. And Nemo touched the bottom of a vessel to demonstrate his capacity. However, bad luck always comes when it is least welcomed. Shockingly, a diver caught Nemo and took him away right in before his dad. That one time he wanted to prove himself, father’s worry turned out to be right! How will he escape this tragedy? How will he deal with the frustration that he is indeed insufficient? Will he ever be …show more content…

Despite the fact that the characters are not perfect at the beginning of the story, the ending depicts how characters mature through out the journey. First of all, Nemo had a disabled right fin that prevents him from protecting himself. However, regardless of his disability, Nemo learned that he is capable of great things with his wisdom. Secondly, Marlin can be depicted as rigid and conservative person who limits himself because of his previous experience. However, when Nemo disappeared, his protected ground was obliterated and everything that he relied on was gone. Now that his safe ground has disappeared, he does not have any other choice yet to go find his child. At the end of the movie, Marlin seems to be letting Nemo go instead of limiting him. Lastly, Dory was the key success to this voyage, but she might have been constantly told that she cannot help anyone because of her memory issue. After all, Dory’s weird behavior eventually helped them to get through the problem. The struggle and growth of each character inspires the audience to be also brave. Witty yet profound message inside the movie appears to be appealing to not only children but also to grown-ups. Therefore, I think this Disney motion picture is well balanced and well told for these reasons. Above all else, each of the characters is ideal for family films,

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