Fine Arts “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls” (Pablo Picasso). Being educated in the arts is an important part of many people’s lives. Arts education is thought to be inferior to the core subjects, but they truly are not. Art of all forms is crucial to one's health, and is an underrated thing. Being educated in the arts is thought to provide physical benefits, emotional benefits, and is even thought to help make students smarter. There are many health benefits that are caused by being involved in the arts. When you are in the fine arts, depending on what branch you are in is what determines the actual benefits. As you create your works, you can actually improve your motor skills. When children are developing, …show more content…
The art form music is closely related to mathematics, a particularly grueling subject to many students. However, students who participated in music classes have increased test scores in math. Counting in music is essential as in math, because students need to count rests and beats (AASA). Music students do activities that engages parts of their brains that core subjects do not. Students do warm up exercises where they both sing and use hand gestures that engages both sides of their brains. Groups of students went on a field trip to a museum of art and they were tested on what they remembered a few weeks later. Students not only remembered basic facts, but they also provided facts that the museum curators did not have in their introductions (co.create). This means that students asked questions about the paintings and remembered the answers weeks later, unlike many of the things they learn for tests (co.create). Being educated or generally involved in art has a great impact on the human brain, and can help make many students smarter. People use art in its many different forms for all sorts of reasons. It can provide physical benefits, emotional benefits, and can even make children smarter. But however one uses it, one can assume that it is always important. Art is never to be taken for granted, because the world would be a much darker place without
The thought of art is more than what you see it is what you feel and what you learn from looking at it. Art can heal the soul and create and new outlook on images we may see every day. Sadly, we may not always see the art in things, pieces, or, humans.
Many people enjoy art in variety of different ways: through music, movies, television, writing, reading, painting, tattoos, clothing, jewelry and even the make up they put on. Many people utilize art in order to accomplish different things, for some it is a safe haven used to escape from reality, for others it
A student who does not enjoy the fundamental classes might not find interest in going to school. The innovated minds that find tranquility in a music class or rather a basic art class is more likely to look forward to attending school the next day. Fine arts enhance the mind. It enhances what is already there or
Understanding how important art is to a culture can help people better comprehend the effects it has on the preservation of a society. Learning that art is a form of history can open a whole new world of opportunities for people to more deeply understand how people in history lived. People are always going to try to destroy art and to keep it all for themselves, this is where the age long question comes into play. Is art worth a life? Art is in a section all its own it is not as important as gold or silver the eyes of most people but in the eyes of some it is more precious than the most valuable of diamonds.
Art has changed many people and gave humans what they need to morph into what they are now. Most of us don’t think of art as much, Most of us thinks that art has nothing to do with the world of today. If we look at the most basic of things we can see how
Not only does music give students a more alert outlook or more critical mind on the word around them, it also gives musicians a better understanding of themselves. It gives them the confidence to know that they have accomplished something beautiful. Also, in sharing that accomplishment with others, in a medium such as a concert or recital, it allows them to open up musically and emotionally to others. This in turn makes a more emotionally healthy person.
The arts provide a window into the lives and minds of others, and play a critical role in understanding the human experience. Our fine and performing arts programs give students the opportunity to develop existing skills, discover new ones, and let their imaginations take flight as they learn about others’ creative works and make their
Foremost, Art is a chance to create something out of the ordinary. It can be a stress reliever and help our town thrive. Art can help kids be creative plus learn to show a new perspective in their work. If your kid has no chance to be involved with something physical they just sit at home with nothing to do or play video games. That would mean that they cannot create or express themselves. With our art school the people of our town would see more art. The
Fine arts in schools have been debated for years. While many programs still exist, children are told that their fine arts education will not help them in school, or in life. This is false under all circumstances, as with the right teacher and motivation, a student can grow a passion for the arts. Though studies are still being conducted, there is great evidence that the fine arts are beneficial in the overall education of a student, as well as the world as a whole. Art programs should be kept in schools because of their amazing impact on the academic and personal lives of those who connect to it.
Some people look at art as something trivial, a thing people do because they are too lazy to have a professional occupation, but to others, art engulfs their whole world, gives life meaning, and they feel as if talent is only gained by hard work. With these opinions, there can be a debate on including art in education, and whether or not the education system should be putting more of an emphasis on teaching children art. Specifically visual art, although there are valid arguments on why other spectrums of the arts should also be taught in school.
A lot of people think that art can only go as far as a class in school, but in reality there is art around everyone. Art can be a way of life for some people, and for others it is simply just something they pass every single day. What they do not realize is that art can have benefits in different aspects in their life, in children's lives, and even the world around them.
Fine arts has many benefits to those who take fine arts. Two of these are better attendance and overall grade improvement (Students-Middle School). Music, drama, visual arts, and dance are found to have a positive effect on math grades. Students can also find a way to bond with others students by using fine arts as a starting subject of a conversation. This could be as simple as talking about art to teaching someone or more complex like teaching someone how to play a instrument.(Students-Middle School).
Education in the arts is an essential part in the development of the human brain. Not only is art important in schools, but in all of society as well. The arts are a necessity to society because they encourage energy and creativity and help to encourage students to be creative, flexible, and to express themselves. Arts cannot be learned just by occasional exposure. The arts need to be taught in school and also practiced outside of school. Not only does art stimulate our brain, it also helps with establishing a process and helps with learning other subjects such as math and science. Art has been practiced since the beginning of the human race and overall is one of the most important subjects.
Art education has been proven to help with “cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skills” as well as “motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork” (Smith). Having the ability and patience to sit down and paint a masterpiece or work through a song on the piano requires high focus and dedication. Students willing to do this will in turn have stronger skills to focus and be dedicated in other subjects. The mixture of all these abilities gained from participation in art programs lead to higher test scores and overall better performance in school. Still, these are only a few of the assets provided by art education.
The arts are essential to providing a healthy educational experience for learners of all ages. Though treated by many as frivolous subjects, they provide vital tools for communication, engagement and successful instruction. It makes sense to incorporate the arts across the curriculum – not only will schools improve, but students will develop important social and emotional skills, we will save money in the long run by keeping our students learning and engaged in work, and we will make the world a more beautiful place. To quote Charles Fowler (1994),