
Finlands School Success

Decent Essays

“Finland’s School success, what Americans keep ignoring” In Anu Partanen’s article “Finland’s school success, what Americans keep ignoring,” she talks about how Finland transformed its education system to one of the top education systems in the world. First Finland’s success comes from engaging student’s creative imaginations, and demanding less in homework. In addition since the 1970’s, the education policy in Finland is that no child would be left behind. Regardless of background, every child will have the same opportunity to obtain an education. Finland is a country that prides itself on equitable education and does a great job getting everyone on the same playing field. Education in Finland is more concerned with the collective good and making sure that every student does well instead of competition and ranking. The result is that every student learns what they need to do to learn and does quite well at the basics. Physics is a very common choice in Finland, while it is academically feared in America, it is not uncommon for Finnish children to take physic classes early as fourth or fifth grade all the way up to high school. Many students prefer physics because it is an applied …show more content…

The Finnish school system’s main goal is to provide a safe environment, free meals and means to meet personal needs such as individual guidance, including counseling. The Finnish education’s main motivation since the 1980’s is that every child should have the same opportunity as they peers. Regardless of economic background or geographical location, education has been seen as a way to clear social inequality. When looking at the country’s diversity “as of 2010, just 4.6 percent of Finnish residents have been born in another country, compared with 12.7 percent in the U.S.” (Partanen

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