The capability to speak openly and practice the religion of your choice has existed since the birth of the United States of America. Yet in the past decade, more people than ever have caused us to question which first amendment right should be protected more; freedom of speech or freedom of religion. Such events where the two rights are pinned against each other, both seeking to sense a feeling of supremacy, have proved to lead to conflict and even bloodshed. The recent Muhammad cartoon-drawing contest that took place in Garland, Texas is a prime example of the above development of a rivalry. “The American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) sponsored the event and their president and co-founder is Pamela Gellar (who is also the president of
The given scenario paints a simple question: do you approve of the First Amendment or not? Amendment I is a law that allows an individual to exercise any religion, to say whatever one pleases and a right to publish any printed matter without governmental restriction. One may dispute that the First Amendment’s freedom of speech gives them the right to limit a certain topic. However, many students have never seen someone views much different than theirs which they will come across in the real world. With our First Amendment, how can one argue that an assignment should be removed or cancelled when a human can say anything and believe in whatever they want?
In the article “Justices divided over N.J. police officer’s First Amendment case” by Robert Barnes, he argued that public employee’s First Amendment should be protected when politics is involved. In this problem, the former detective Jeffrey Heffernan was demoted because of “…his ‘overt’ involvement in a political campaign” (Barnes). In Paterson, New Jersey, the former mayor and the new candidate, Lawrence Spagnola, were running for mayor. Before Heffernan was demoted, he was seen by an officer who saw him picking up a yard sign of Spagnola campaign. Therefore, he was demoted because Heffernan were “involved” in a political campaign. In “Justices divided over N.J. police officer’s First Amendment case”, there are many problem such as debating
The United States of America seems to be protected by a very important historical document called the Constitution. Despite the fact that it was written and signed many years ago, the American people and their leaders still have faith in the Constitution. One of the major statements of the Constitution is the First Amendment, freedom of speech. Although it is difficult to decide what is offensive and what is not, it is clear to see that songs of rape, violence, bigotry, and songs containing four letter words are completely unnecessary for susceptible minds to acknowledge. It is reasonable to say that more people listen to music everyday and for that reason, music tends to be more influential. The American
Under the First Amendment, reporters cannot be compelled to provide the identity of a confidential source when the right freedom of the press outweighs society’s need for an individual to provide testimony to a grand jury. See Branzburg v. Hayes, 408 U.S. 665 (1972). The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” In Branzburg, this Court recognized a reporter-source privilege that protects reporters from divulging sources to a grand jury. Branzburg, 408 U.S. at 707, 709. This Court determined that this protect applies when the need for freedom of press outweighs the needs of a grand jury. Thus, a reporter is protected by the privilege when the information bears “only a remote and
In the first amendment, it is stated that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof.”. From this, it made clear that the founding fathers’ original intent was for the Government to take a neutral position with respect to religion; the Government was not to favor any one religion over another. “Almighty God we acknowledge our independence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parent, our teachers and our Country. Amen.” In 1951, that prayer was conducted in class every morning in all New York public schools as ordered by New York State Board of Regents; it was called a “nondenominational prayer”. The short prayer was created with the intent of developing students’ moral
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is part of our countries Bill of Rights. The first amendment is perhaps the most important part of the U.S. Constitution because the amendment guarantees citizens freedom of religion, speech, writing and publishing, peaceful assembly, and the freedom to raise grievances with the Government. In addition, amendment requires that there be a separation maintained between church and state.
America has been built on freedom throughout the years. Freedom to speak, freedom to choose, freedom to worship, and freedom to do just about anything you want within that of the law. America’s law has been designed to protect and preserve these freedoms. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. It assures citizens that the federal government shall not restrict freedom of worship. It specifically prohibits Congress from establishing an official, government supported church. Under The First Amendment, the federal government cannot require citizens to pay taxes to support a certain church, nor can people be prohibited from worshipping in any way they see fit. However, if a certain religion
Some people believe that due to the First Amendment rights that we have and they do not fully understand that they can riot and assemble unlawfully. With the recent protests that have turned violent due to the recent Antifa movement this is evident. This group has become a threat against the law and order within the communities that these events occur. Their acts of violence and vandalism against communities are unlawful and whenever these acts are observed the offenders should always be arrested. Even in the past here in Nashville and other cities across the U. S. where protestors have blocked Interstate highways, the protests have become unlawful due to these acts that disturb the peace. The blocking of the highway not only puts the residents
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to assemble peacefully, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The 1st Amendment forbids Congress from enacting laws that would regulate speech or press before publication or punish after publication. At various times many states passed laws in contradiction to the freedoms guaranteed in the 1st Amendment. However broadcast has always been considered a special exemption to free speech laws for two reasons. 1) the most important reasons is the scarcity of spectrum and the 2) is the persuasiveness of the medium. Because radio and TV come into the house, and may be heard or seen by unsupervised children, the government feels a special responsibility to protect the American people. As Herbert Hoover said to, "doublegaurd them."
The First Amendment is the first section of the Bill of Rights and is often considered the most important part of the U.S Constitution because it guarantees the citizens of United States the essential personal freedoms of religion, speech, press, peaceful assembly and the freedom to petition the Government. Thanks to the rights granted by the First Amendment, Americans are able to live in a country where they can freely express themselves, speak their mind, pray without interference, protest in peace and where their opinions are taken into consideration, which is something not many other nationalities have the fortune of saying. The Founding Fathers were the framers of the Constitution of the U.S., and the responsible for the
ISSUE: Does having members who opt out of a union continue to pay agency fees violate the First Amendment to the Constitution?
The First Amendments is a blessing that the United States is fortunate enough to have. First and foremost, First Amendment protects the right to freedom of religion and expression, without any government interference ("First Amendment" n.p.). The freedom of expression includes the right to free speech, press, assembly, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances ("First Amendment" n.p.). Redress of grievances guarantees people the right to ask the government to provide relief for a wrong through courts or other governmental action ("First Amendment" n.p.). People are allowed to practice their own religions and do not have to conform to one religion, all because of the First Amendment. People's rights are protected with no government interference.
Every single person in the United States have the right to express their religion of preference or no religion at all, however him or her wants without offending anybody, and the best way to protect religion’s liberty was by keeping the government out if it and creating this First Amendment freedom of religion, to separate the church from the state.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to assemble peacefully, and to petition the Government for e redress of grievances.