
First Order Of Business Case Report

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The first order of business was the approval of the Agenda. Mr. Oja made a motion to approve the Agenda. Mr. Hartnett seconded, motion carried. Next on the Agenda was the approval of the Minutes from the June 16th Board Meeting. Mr. Hartnett made a motion to accept the Minutes as written. Mr. Oja seconded, motion carried. The next report on the Agenda was the Investment Report. Mr. Hackman provided the Trustees with a copy of the investment statements and discussed the activity at Morgan Stanley. He reviewed each investment segment in the portfolio. He also went on to discuss the current market conditions and explained his strategy moving forward. Mr. Hackman then went on to review the policy and …show more content…

Ultimately they agreed with Ms. Hadley’s recommendation. Mr. Hartnett made a motion to settle the Avery claim for up to $8,000.00. Mr. Oja seconded, motion carried. Next was the Fadel Yehya vs A E Group claim. The claimant alleged injuries to his back and knees due to heavy lifting at work. The claimant had quit his position with the employer prior to alleging any work related injuries. The claimant began treating for several alleged injuries. Video evidence was reviewed showing him extremely active at work and outside of work. The claim was ultimately facilitated. Ms. Hadley recommends that we attempt to settle this claim to avoid future medical or potential surgery. The Trustees discussed this claim and asked several questions. Ultimately they agreed with Ms. Hadley’s recommendation. Mr. Hartnett made a motion to settle the Yehya claim for up to $22,169.20. Mr. Gabrysh seconded, motion carried. The next claim was the Nizam Kljajic vs Fitzgerald Finishing claim. The claimant alleged injuries to his back along with carpal tunnel syndrome. He initially requested vacation time prior to filing a claim. He did not indicate a specific event. He was sent for an IME and the results did show some back pathology. However, the claimant had been treating for back issues for many years unrelated to his job. The claim was facilitated and some value was assigned to this claim. Ms. Hadley

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