An argument was raised that this proposition will only put California into fiscal crisis and that it would only promote an unfunded accountability to our state. Opponents were concerned that the money spent on this proposition will only led to corruption practices like the drug enforcement that we've seen before.
This paper is about the Propisition 60 that will be voted on in California this November. It discuses the opposing arguments for and against the bill and what the consequences will be if the bill is passed. Also it will discuss as to whether the Proposition is best viewed from consensus or conflict view of law.
Those who donated may say that this bill will change the rate of crime due to illegal immigration enormously. This law has dramatically cut down on the immigration problem. With the paperwork to show citizenship now becoming mandatory to all immigrants, the rate of illegal immigrants will drop rapidly. Most people are for SB 1070 because property values could go up, and in turn better neighborhoods come to be. Politicians believe that Arizona’s governor has made a wise decision by signing this bill. They say that the chance of this being a negative outcome to the state on the issue of immigration is nonexistent in the states future.
Is proposition 53 a solution in search of a problem or is it a long term solution. Just like every other proposition proposed, this proposition can either benefit the community or it can impact it negatively. November 8th is an important day because of the fact that voters will go out and cast their vote. On this day a new president will be elected. Voters must also vote yes or no on certain propositions. Proposition 53 is strictly for California, any voter living in California has the opportunity to vote in support or in opposition for the proposition. Before going out and voting voters should be fully informed about everything in the ballot. So what is proposition 53? It is voters approval requirement for revenue bonds above $2 billion.
A law that will decrease simple drug possession and certain property crimes to misdemeanors was passed by the California voters. Statewide ballot returns showed that the law passed with 59 percent of votes.
Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform says, “The Three Strikes Reform Act is tough on crime without being tough on taxpayers. It will put a stop to needlessly wasting hundreds of millions in taxpayers’ hard-earned money, while protecting people from violent crime.” The California Legislative Analyst Office estimates that the state could potentially save over $90 million annually. Rather than being used to needlessly detain petty offenders, proponents of Prop 36 argue that the money saved could be used to fund schools and preventative efforts instead.
Assembly bill 109 has been introduced to California as a way to help reduce prison inmates have their medical service denied. Assembly bill 109 introduce it has affected aspect of the justice system all they can do is roll with the punches. There has been increase in employees in counties from corrections to court to police department. As previously stated, it just in beta version and are still working out kinks that come with new laws trying to find the right rhythm for each county to work with. I have to say this assembly bill is very complex to understand for citizen but it’s twice as hard for the justices system to implement it to every county in California. It does say it going to be different from county to county and the end result it to reduce the number of inmate in our prison system. In which I believe we are in the right road to fixing our correctional institute. Have the non-offender serving in local jails instead of state prisons we are saving money in those areas but also bring more offenders closer to our community to committee crime in our back yards. It would benefit all those in justice system if instead of adding new laws fixing those laws we already have at work in our
Response To “The Danger of A Single Story” My perception of the video “The Danger of a Single Story” varies from two points of views. Those views are: What we perceive by what we have been taught and What the actual reality of a situation is. The part that I identify with most was when she stated that she wrote about things that was unseen and the imagination from those one-sided views. In a since we are only taught one specific way of doing things because we have not had enough exposure to different cultures, races, and religions.
During the good times, America tried to pay down the huge debt, then there would be a war and the debt will be up again. Wright says “What the battle was really about was how quickly to pay off the national debt, not whether to pay it off or not”. It wasn’t easy for politicians to sweep spending until Jackson had arrived.
One of the leading danger to the average citizen of California is the increase of crime rate. In modern days some citizens are even scared to carry out there lives due to rising gang activity. Recent studies show that 1 in 4 residents of California will at one point be a victim of violent crime such as murder, forced rape, robbery, aggravated assault, or burglary. The government would be doing an injustice to it’s own people by taking away their protection. Another
It is my recommendation that the California House of Representatives revisit AB 568 for a second vote in order to pass this bill into law after Governor Jerry Brown’s recent veto.
There is a great volume of literature on the need for effective leadership skills among tutors in order to promote student learning through quality instruction. As mentioned in the previous chapter, this realization is significant for many reasons. As such, this chapter reinforces the research question through a critical analysis of the existing literature with the aim of coming up with a different line of thought. As such, the study could offer a new dimension of leadership perception that is appropriate in fostering student learning in the modern and changing school setting. Although such characteristics are common across various sectors, the findings of this research put focus specifically on educators with the purpose of improving the quality of education and improved curriculum outcomes. The study could also employ various leadership theories to ensure the achievement of reliable findings.
Fiscal Policy can be explained in many ways, for example. Fiscal policy is the use of the government budget to affect an economy. When the government decides on the taxes that it collects, the transfer payments it gives out, or the goods and services that it purchases, it is engaging in fiscal policy. The primary economic impact of any change in the government budget is felt by particular groups—a tax cut for families with children, for example, raises the disposable income of such families. Discussions of fiscal policy, however, usually focus on the effect of changes in the government budget on the overall economy—on such macroeconomic variables as GNP and unemployment and inflation.
Within the pro-choice world there are many issues that are discussed like abortion, the instant where life begins and the use of contraceptives. This article will focus on not only the issue of using of contraceptives, but specifically the distribution of oral contraceptives (“the pill”) to teenage girls without their parent’s consent.
Success is the beauty of having dreams and running tars them. When you are successful in something, it’s because you have worked extremely to say that not only are you proud of how far you've come, but you also enjoyed the ride along the way. My dream is to become a beauty artist in cosmetology.
10) There is a group called the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund that supports Cedillo 's idea of allowing illegal aliens to posses driver 's licenses, but feel that there should not be any background checks or other restrictions(Kline par. 13). The MALDEF feel that every citizen of Mexico coming into California should receive a license, whether they are criminals or not. The old bill, AB 1463, was vetoed in the year 2000 by former Governor Gray Davis. Davis stated that AB 1463 was an "invitation for fraud (House par. 9)." But once Davis 's job was starting to crumble, he decided to pass the new bill ,AB 60, to try and gain more support from legal and illegal Hispanics in the state of California before he was recalled. After what had happened on September 11, 2001, Gil Cedillo withdrew the bill from Gray Davis 's files. However, recently the new governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has been trying to bring a new a bill with more qualifications ,such as a special mark on the licenses to indicate that the holder is illegal, to help bring driver 's licenses to illegal immigrants (Kline par. 12). With this bill in effect, illegal immigrants would have the opportunity to vote for an official of the state and country they are living in illegally.