I just recently finished reading Five Flavors of Dumb by: Antony John. John’s novel is a realistic fiction book that is about a girl finally finding out who she really is and what she 's really made of. Despite the fact that Piper, the main protagonist, is deaf, she never gives up on what she believes in. The novel mainly focuses on the problems that a deaf Piper faces while trying to manage a rock band. Not only does the story project her problem dealing with the band, Dumb, but it also shows the challenges she has to face at home. Five Flavors of Dumb displays Piper’s struggles with her family in a great way. Piper and her baby sister, Grace, are the only ones who are deaf in their family until her parents give Grace an expensive …show more content…
I guess what all these characters have in common is that they were all real and sincere and that you could find these traits and stories in everyday people. “Don’t worry about wanting to change; start worrying when you don’t feel like changing anymore. And in the meantime, enjoy every version of yourself you ever meet, because not everybody who discovers their true identity likes what they find.” This has to be my most favorite quote that I 've seen in a novel before. It was just so profound and speaks to everyone that I couldn 't help but like it. To me, it means that no matter what you’ll change and that you should enjoy these changes in yourself because sooner or later you’ll have to stop, and you may not like the way you end up. Five Flavors of Dumb is one of the greatest books I 've read; probably in my top five. It 's interesting to see music through a deaf person. Like for instance, how she has to feel the beat of the music or how she has to read their lips to know what they are saying is quite cool. I liked how John was able to create writing that makes you feel like you are there with the characters experiencing all their problems and success. John made this story not seem like another boring coming of age story but a unique one with an amazing plot and characters with great back stories. After reading Five Flavors of Dumb, it
Deaf people living in a hearing world have certainly made their mark in the hearing community. Deaf people can do anything that hearing people can do. The band shown in the film called “Beethoven’s Nightmare “caused quite a stir in our class. I think that we were simply amazed that deaf musicians could play so well. By showing the audience this experience, it provides hearing viewers with the knowledge that this type of event does occur within the deaf community and that the deaf can appreciate
Have you ever felt like there was nothing that you can do for your child? In this book, Deaf Like Me, by Thomas S. Spradley and James P. Spradley, I can see the journey that Lynn’s parents took to get her help. (Spradley & Spradley, 1978). This book was an excellent read. I really liked the way that they described the ways they tried to help Lynn to understand the world around her. The book, is a great asset for any family that might be unexpectedly put into a situation that they know nothing about such as a deaf child.
After reading Deaf Again I learned a lot of new things I didn?t know about Deaf culture and was drawn in by the story of Mark Drolsbaugh. ?The hardest fight a man has to fight is to live in a world where every single day someone is trying to make you someone you do not want to be ? ? e.e cummings. I was brought into the book immediately from
The book “Deaf Again” is unique because the author has been on both sides of the spectrum. He had been hearing for some time and now is Deaf. He shows each viewpoint and doesn’t make it just for hearing or just for the Deaf. This author is also unique in showing his feelings for both hearing and also being Deaf.
In this book, Deaf in America, by Carol Padden and Tom Humphries, the two authors wrote stories, jokes, performances, and experiences of Deaf people. They also wrote Deaf culture and Deaf people’s lives from various angles. This book is great navigator of Deaf world for hearing people and even Deaf people as me. There are several factors attracting reader. To begin with, I could learn about backgrounds of deaf people and hearing people. Authors wrote about a Deaf boy who was born into a deaf family. Until he discovered that a girl playmate in neighborhood was “hearing”, he didn’t notice about “Others”. Authors
First, this book allowed me to see the negative way in which deaf people were perceived. This book is not old by any means, and I was taken aback by the way deaf children were perceived by not only others in the community, but often times by their own parents as well. The term
Deaf Again is an autobiography written by Mark Drolsbaugh. In this book he begins at his birth, goes on to explain what it was like to lose his hearing, and details how this impacted and affected his life. Around the time Mark was in first grade, he began to realize that he was losing his hearing when he began having difficulty hearing some of his fellow students. His hearing continued to deteriorate until he was left completely deaf. This was very tough for Mark, because even though his parents were both deaf, they encouraged him to do his best to continue to be a hearing person. His parents believed that he would be happiest if he could fit in with all the hearing people, but didn’t understand that he could not truly be himself if he was
Mark Drolsbaugh presentation titled “Madness in the Mainstream” encompassed Deaf education and challenges Deaf children face with mainstream education. Drolsbaugh was born hearing and as he grew up, he had progressive hearing loss and became Deaf by college. Luckily for him, he was born into a Deaf family. Drolsbaugh went on to Graduate from Gallaudet and wrote for different deaf newspapers and publications and became a school counselor. He had written four books by 2014 pertaining to the Deaf community. Madness in the Mainstream was actually his fourth book and was the basis to this presentation.
The first lense or category in the “Deaf Studies Template” that is talked about is Only in the Deaf World. This category is about the unique events and experiences associated with life in the Deaf World. Deaf children are mostly born to hearing parents, which is similar how wizard parents have muggle children and muggle parents have wizard children in the world of Harry Potter. DCHP may not know anything about the Deaf World once they grow up due to parental ignorance or other reasons. Harry Potter also experiences this with the Wizard World as his aunt and uncle keep it a secret from him. They were ashamed of him and want to make him “normal”. Hearing parents of deaf children also commonly do this as they give
Deaf Like Me is a story compiled together by Thomas and James Spradley. It is a compelling story about two hearing+ parents struggling to cope with their daughters overwhelming deafness. This powerful story expresses with simplicity the love, hope, and anxieties of all hearing parents of deaf children. In the epilogue, Lynn Spradley, herself, now a teenager thinks back about different times in her life growing up deaf. She reflects upon her education, her struggle to communicate, and the discovery that she was the inspiration and the main focus of her father's and uncle's book collaboration. Deaf Like Me is a
This documentary does an excellent job of advocating for the acknowledgment of people who are deaf within society. This is shown through not only the brilliantly written and performed poems of the students but also in the basic, everyday struggles each of them face, such as the desire to fit in or be valued by those around them. Deafness is not a specific to any gender, race, culture, or religion. The struggles many people who are deaf go through are relatable to all and
This book was mainly focused on looking at Deaf culture of today and comparing it to the culture of the past, and what kinds of struggles deaf people had to endure to get where they are today. The two authors of this book are deaf; one was deaf her whole life and the other became deaf as a child. In my opinion, that was a major contributing factor to why it was so interesting. The reader gets a chance to travel through the history of the Deaf through words from those who have experienced it. It also had a positive impact because the authors let the readers know in the introduction that they are deaf and a brief history of themselves, which I
This quote shows that people can be different then they can be, people can ultimately change for the worst.
While reading " Deaf in America: Voices From A Culture " I notice the purpose of this book was to wrote about Deaf people in a new and different way. The book main focus is that Deaf people have a condition that they can't hear. The culture of Deaf people is what both authors want to begin yo betray. What I found interesting while reading is that the majority of indidivauls within the community of Deaf people do not join it at birth. While reading these chapters I've seen both auhtors try to present the culture from the inside to discover how Deaf people describe themselves and how they think about their lives.
As a whole, these characters have relevance today because each of these characters individually can be realistically portrayed and believed. These are situations that anyone could be in and the way that they actually challenge the positions they are put in is what helps us to continue to break down gender boundaries shown here still today.