
Five Key Fundamentals Of Psychoanalysis

Decent Essays

Psychoanalysis has many concepts that are complex for the lay reader to grasp instantaneously. To understand what working through it, some background information is considered necessary. This section introduces the relevant terminology and concepts.
Current psychoanalytic theory and practice has its origin in the writing of Freud (Etchegoyen, 2005). The aim of analysis is to effect structural changes in the patient. Psychoanalysis consists of five key fundamentals: (a) resistance (b) the transference of the patient and the counter transference of the analyst, (c) the verbal material provided by the patient according to the principle of free association, (d) interpretation, and (e) working through. Thus it relies on the work of psychoanalyst and the work of the patient from the approach of the scientific realism (the idea that all objects, events and processes are real). Scientific realism can be contrasted with the rational positivist approach of behavioral psychologist such as Skinner and …show more content…

Psychoanalysis was concerned with psychic events and the patient’s emotions and feelings. The school of ego psychology, object relations and self-psychology were chosen for contrast in this thesis, as each of these schools has evolved from Freudian psychoanalysis, emphasizing a variety of levels of expansion of the psyche.
According to Kukla (2001), the ideologies of reality theory evolution are called the “logic of justification”. He detained that theories are evaluated in terms of their “virtuosity”, or principles that can be certified to them. Of these, the truth value of a theory is the most significant. Kukla wrote, however, that the concrete truth value can be intricate to determine. Instead, other theoretical virtues are used in the justification (evaluation) of a theory as an approximation to its truth value (Haig,

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