During the 19th century, five main phases have characterized immigration in Australia. The Gold Rush period in 1851, led immigrants from Europe and East Asia to migrate to Australia in search of gold finds (Spinks, 2010). The second phase of immigration occurred in 1871, when Egypt expanded its passage of the Suez Canal and migrants from Northern Africa and the Middle East were able to gain access to Australia’s southern seaports (Boulus, Dowding, and Pietsch, 2013). In 1901, however, the new Commonwealth of Australia established the Immigration Restriction Act, or the ‘White Australia policy,’ which banned immigrants from entering Australia. Moreover, the policy prohibited those existing ‘non-whites’ from obtaining citizenship and gaining
The ending of World War 2 was a significant event in the early nineteenth century in which killed over 60 million people. With World War 2 beginning in 1945, it triggered numerous disasters that caused chaos to the world and carried out the seriousness of re-populating our society. Some people may think that the ending of world war 2 had no contribution on leading migrants to Australia, but It was in fact one of the most significant event in history that contributed to migration in Australia. This event created a dramatic change in our world is what helped to revolutionize our society. The Ten Pound Pom Scheme, Populate or Perish and the Displace Person Scheme were all main factors after the ending of the World War 2 that helped contribute to the migration to Australia.
1901 marked Federation of Australia and the Immigration Restriction Act which encompassed the White Australia policy which required all migrants to pass a dictation test before they could enter Australia. These laws were in place until 1958.
* This allowance was the equivalent to two weeks' wages for an unskilled worker at the time.
The United States immigration and emigration is directly linked with the railroads construction history of the 19th century. The construction of the railroads that facilitated western expansion Immigrants were not only integral to part of the expansion, but they also used the railroad to migrate west and form new immigrant States in the territory. In the early 19 century, United States expanded westward, across the Mississippi River and later to the Pacific Ocean. These western lands, either was purchased, won in battles, or seized outright from Indian tribes and other nations.
Australia…The Lucky Country, or so they thought. This act was racial, Australia were trying to create a white utopia, a paradox forged against the odds. Modern Australia is a multicultural Country, however, this wasn’t the plan, over 100 years ago, an act was put into place to create a White society. This was infuriating for the non – white and non – Europeans. This was called the Immigration Restriction act which is now known as the White Australian Policy (WAP). This changed the race of Australia’s face. In modern day Australia over 22 million people now live in this beautiful Country that has an equal society.
The Gold Rush made Australia largely colonised and continually expanding. In 1852, 370,000 immigrants arrived in Australia from many different countries. The economy boomed and many different cultures were introduced. Countries like England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, America, China and Germany showed up as the majority of diggers on the Australian census. The population continued to grow
Millions of immigrants over the previous centuries have shaped the United States of America into what it is today. America is known as a “melting pot”, a multicultural country that welcomes and is home to an array of every ethnic and cultural background imaginable. We are a place of opportunity, offering homes and jobs and new economic gains to anyone who should want it. However, America was not always such a “come one, come all” kind of country. The large numbers of immigrants that came during the nineteenth century angered many of the American natives and lead to them to blame the lack of jobs and low wages on the immigrants, especially the Asian communities. This resentment lead to the discrimination and legal exclusion of immigrants,
From 1850 to 1900 it is estimated that 90,000 Chinese, 62,000 South Pacific Islanders, 3,000 Japanese and 2,000 Afghans immigrated to Australia. 3,000 Chinese people went to New South Wales where most got jobs as ‘coolies ,which was basically semi-slavery, they were given barely enough pay to live off of and working conditions worse than the ones of free workers. Even worse the worker was bound to their employer a few years at a time by contract so they could not even leave if they wanted to. 2,000 Chinese people went to Victoria for the gold rush where they were treated horribly, they were abused, given bad rumours such as diseased and had to deal with race riots where their tents were burned and they were dragged through the dirt. In the end they started to restrict Chinese immigration around Australia, however the people that did make it through got enough wealth to settle in Australia. Pacific Islanders and Japanese people were treated the same, lied to for their skills in harsh environments, which sometimes ended in deaths. Afghans were probably given the most recognition for their work, exploring Australia and helping build a rail named ‘the Ghan’, though the conditions were the same trekking through the harsh
During the late 1700-1800s australia was made up of separate colonies, a country struggling to stay intact, low food supply and numerous convicts entering Australia. Throughout the 1700-1800s sutian reform changes have allowed the thriving development of Australia to be a completed country, such as the wool industry and gold rush.
Migration took on many forms in the US in the late 1800s. Not only did immigrants come from Europe and China, there was also migration within the US. Farmers had to migrate east because of their failing farms, and some blacks had to migrate within their own wards because parts of them had become such horrid slums. The cause of all this migration can be boiled down into one word. Industrialization caused the influx of immigrants because of the need for labor in America, this influx led to the formation of slums due to the high numbers of immigrants coming over.
Australia in terms of immigration, has had a poor history of dealing with people travelling into the country, shown in the beginning of hand picking the majority of Australia 's population. However as the decades have rolled on, whether it be forced or by choice, Australia has become looser and more free in access and treatment within the country and importantly, less discriminatory. In order to see these improvements, the start must be shown, in which is generally summarised by the White Australia Policy.
1) The intense rise in the number of immigrants during this time caused many social changes. Firstly, it forced the issue of race and civil rights because majority of the new comers were not white and were seeking a home in America. Many “natives” were not too keen on the idea either because they felt like the immigrants were taking their jobs, land, and government attention. While this was the general attitude of Americans at the time, the immigrants did not walk into a pampered life where they were rich and carefree.
Immigration has always and will always play an important role in America’s history, along with the United States having the most open immigration policy in the world to this date. American history began with flocks of immigrants competing for lands to start a life, bringing over their vast traditions and values. Some brought nothing but determination. It’s disgusting to see our congress and lawmakers make these higher-end laws to keep foreigners out, yet our country is built off immigrants. Since the 19th century, America has been the leading destination unlike no other for immigrants to reside. No other country has such a wide range of races and population like America. Diversity is indeed, what makes this country so unique. America has always
The rise of immigration in the late 19th century has caused lots of pressure in the American government. The nativist thought that immigrants were taking their jobs, they were cutting down their wages, and their beliefs. Nativist were mad, but immigrants were proud to start new lives in this new country. Governments passed Acts during this time period to slow down immigration rates.
Immigration has always been a major part of America. In fact, without immigration the creation of America would not have been possible. The majority of immigrants came to America for religious freedom and economic opportunities. However, for the most part before the 1870’s most immigrants were Protestants from northern and western Europe. These immigrants often migrated to the United States as families and usually lived on farms with family or friends who had already migrated beforehand. A lot of immigrants came to America with a plan or goal in mind. They often had saved up money for the long immigration overseas, were skilled in a certain trade, or had already been educated at a high level. Sadly, this would not last. Immigration