
Five Stages Of Grief: Tina's Life Changing Experiences

Decent Essays

This is not to say that Tina didn’t share a similar bond with her mother. Tina herself had her own experiences that made the time she shared with her mother special. Another miracle child that took seven years of trying after Carlos to conceive, Tina was the girl that her mother had always wanted. However, Tina’s arrival had now gifted the family with both a boy and a girl. Tina grew up more independently, she liked to discovery things on her own, then share them with the family, to Carlos’s distaste. This was because Tina was bright, smarter than most seven year olds in the county. She taught herself to read by 4, and went to tune of her own beat, much to the delight of both her mother and father. This did cause a bit of jealousy towards Tina, from Carlos. Not quite as smart, nor wise, he didn’t really understand the significance of the bond between himself and his mother until now. …show more content…

There are five stages of grief, and it could be said that both Carlos and Tina were in the first stage – denial. Denial can manifest itself in many different ways depending on the person. Tina for example, chose to still be her usual vibrant self, trying to compensate for the loss of her mother by making up of the lost cheerfulness. Carlos on the other hand chose to act out, not the physical sense, but more like a filter or vail being removed from his consciousness. This vail was the approval of his mother, with no-one to impress or to bounce ideas off Carlos was now alone in his consciousness. For some this is freedom, but for Carlos this was hell. Without his mother’s guidance he was now lost, a stray lamb in this infinite universe. Ironically, now without his mother, he had no-one to express these feeling of loss too, so now he began to retreat inwards. Now his actions came without reason. He began to be more obnoxious, indifferent to the results of his actions, for now there was no one to judge him, no one who

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