A question that plagues pet owners new and old is whether they should fix their animals which is the process of removing the reproductive organs of an animal. Though in the end it is a tough decision to make when considering both side to the problem. On the side that is for the spaying and neutering of their animals, research suggests that it helps keep animals healthy is certain ways that not fixing an animal does. It also contributes to the control of the animal population in not just in America. But, on the other side of the issue there are studies showing that even though fixing an animal has many health and population benefits for animals it can also cause problems for them, as well as brush up against moral boundaries that many people …show more content…
For instance, in an article called “Spaying and Neutering Pets” by the college of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M states that “the decision to spay or neuter your pet may be the best decision for your pet’s overall health”. The article goes on and speaks about the health benefits of fixing an animal. Which is also corroborated by other articles by the ASPCA called “Spay/Neuter Your Pet” and Peta called “Spay and Neuter”. All of these articles depict the same information about how fixing an animal will help stop certain cancers that appear in non-fixed animals such as mammary cancer in females and testicular cancer in males. Another source that is for fixing from The Humane Society called “Why You Should Spay/Neuter Your Pet” speaks on the population of the animals in the United States stating that “In the U.S., there are an estimated 6-8 million homeless animals entering shelters every year.” They go on to say that the reason behind this staggering number of homeless animals is because of pet owners not fixing their animals. While fixing an animal is good for the health and population of animals there are downside to it two. For instance, in the blog article written by Rick Bohning called “Do NOT Spay or Neuter Your Dog. One Size Does Not Fit All”. Bohining is against the procedures because he says that if the
Animals, whether cats in the house or lions on the savannah, reserve the right to life. The disregard for animal life has been equated to racism or sexism; acting on principles of disrespect for life and thoughts of discrimination (Animal Testing and Ethics). The continuation of animal testing and experimentation take an enormous psychological toll on humanity, leading to rationalization and flawed justification. To carry on this path would darken the mark this animal abuse is currently leaving on our humanity, one step towards yet another fault in human nature.
Essay Response The result of today’s overspending on pets reacts on having the unwanted insanity of morals into veterinary practice (qtd. in Bilger 7). US citizens spend millions of countless amounts of money on their pets for medical reasons; usually for the purpose to make their beloved pet’s life longer.
¨When I was in veterinary school at Iowa State University back in the '60s, I always liked surgery. Surgery labs back in those days, there was absolutely zero thought about the animal itself. I'm talking mostly about what the animal felt. It wasn't because we were cruel or we didn't want to be concerned about animals.
The essence of the issues is if animals are being subjected to medical research against their will; is liable to say that we don’t place a high value on living things that are outside our human race? Subjecting animals to experiments that we would not consider ethically feasible to apply to humans. There are limitations that are placed legally to protect humanity. When considering animals for experimentation, there are no legal guidelines that restrict scientists from harming them. Ascribing animals to a lower moral status because of their lack of intelligence, communication skills, and human relations; taking advantage of them are quite easy. “According to the “Moral Theory of Animals, “there are two types of approaches that support this idea. One approach starts from the position that the interests of animals, particularly in avoiding suffering, should be taken into account when judging whether it is acceptable to use them for medical purposes that benefit human beings. The second approach argues that animals, like human beings, have rights that must be respected when considering their use for such purposes.” (Stanford
People often use animals for a lot of experiments even though most people think that is it wrong. People make up countless excuses to why it’s okay to do this. But it is not okay. Animal researchers and such agree with my opinion that using animals for tests that we as humans would never want to do, is bad and very hypocritical, yet unfortunately there are just as many scientists who say that it is completely fine and that there isn’t really much harm brought to the animals. Mind you, these scientists have apparently never owned a beloved pet close to their heart. The two essays, "Animal Rights, Human Wrongs" by Tom Regan and "Proud to be Speciesist" by Stephen Rose, talk about the issue of animal rights, but are written on completely opposing
“If humans killed each other at the same rate we kill animals, we would be extinct in 17 days.'' The use of animals in medical research and cosmetic testing is a very controversial practice that raises ethical concerns, it is a very bad process. While some may believe it's beneficial or useful, it is a horrible thing. Some may be concerned about the reasons why it is not a good thing, my reasons conclude one is that it is anti empathetic and takes away their rights, two it is wasteful and wastes millions of God's creations and finally it is very harmful towards any animal who must however go through it. Initially, a very bad part of animal testing is how anti-empathetic it comes to be.
Peter Singer, the author of Animal Liberation, states that human-to-human equality should be extended to animals because humans and animals both possess the same perception of pain. Singer says, “Nearly all the external signs that lead us to infer pain in other humans can be seen in other species, especially the species most closely related to us - the species of mammals and birds” (Singer 11). Singer states his personal view on animal rights. Many people hold similar views, and these people believe that the issue of animal overpopulation should be addressed by means that most benefit animals. This type of view clashes with views that humans’ needs must come first. Even among thosewithin this group of people who prioritize animals, there are disputes about how to most ethically treat animals. Some oppose animal sterilization, while others believe it is a completely humane practice, again, therefore yielding no conclusive solution to the
Animals, animals are all around us. Nurses use animals to help the vets that are still in school study. They use cadavers (dead animals) that they use to study so they know exactly what their doing when it comes to the real thing. They also use living animals for surgery. The animals they use for surgery are injured in a way. Both the animal and vet benefit from this cause. The animal benefits by getting better and the nurse benefits by getting to study on a live animal. They shouldn’t use cadavers because they’re killing them just for their cause. On the other hand, the surgery is ok because they aren’t really harming any of the animals they’re just helping them.
In discussion of animal rights, one controversial issue has been whether or not animals should be use for medical testing. On the one hand, some scientists argue that animal testing has contributed for many cures and treatments. On the other hand, animal rights activist contends that alternative methods now exist that can replace the need for animals. Others even maintain that animal testing is an essential part in medical research. My own view is that animals should not be used in medical testing because is no longer necessary now there are methods that are safer and have better results than animals do.
1. Without checking the flaws in capturing and sterility surgeries, and directly killing all the dogs is not a wise way of dealing with the situation.
Myths of fixing your animals can stray people to think it’s not good. There are many myths out there and all of them are miss leading. One popular myth is “It's better to have one litter before spaying a female pet.”("Myths and facts," 2009). The truth is its not you might find a home for all the puppies your dog has to a home, but what happens to those puppies grow up do they get spayed? Even though they have a good home they may be bread for puppies and those puppies who don’t get homes might be taken to the pound. Some dogs have had litter and then been abandoned because they now have a new dog to love. Another popular myth is that owners say, “I don't want my male dog or cat to feel like less of a male.” ("Myths and facts," 2009). Your pets do not know there sexual identity, once they have been fix they do not act any different and they do not know that there any different than before. One of the last popular myths is “My pet will get fat and lazy.”("Myths and facts," 2009). They do not become fat and lazy because of the procedure they become fat and lazy because they are feed too much and then they
The problem is that the vets are doing surgery on the animals and potentially hurting, and changing the way these animals are. I believe that the vet schools are not acting ethically for using animals for educational programs. Studies suggest the exposing young people to animal dissection as “science” can foster a callousness toward animals and nature. Each animal that’s dissected represents not only a life lost but also a part of a trail of animal abuse and environmental havoc. Therefore the Veterinary colleges should make changes to their policies.
I believe that every pet should be spayed or neutered to prevent the birth of more animals and the continuing rise of homeless animals in shelters. Your dog is the best dog in the world, right? Sure! We all think our pets are the best that has ever existed, but in doing so, there are many shelter animals that are already potty trained, over the puppy chewing stage, and are up to date on routine vaccinations that will never get a chance at life, all because they were passed up for a cute little puppy.
Many people believe that breeding animals is not good for the community and immoral. This statement is extremely broad. Instead, the statement should read, specifically, that irresponsible animal breeding is bad for the animals as well as the reproduction industry. Knowing the differences between responsible and irresponsible breeding is crucial to understanding the consequences of reckless breeding. Careless breeding creates health and behavioral defects as well as overpopulation. The negative consequences of irresponsible breeding should not only become more mainstream, but also more carefully regulated, which results in the stopping of the practice.
Domestication has been happening for many years now and still continues to this day. It