
Fixing Animals

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A question that plagues pet owners new and old is whether they should fix their animals which is the process of removing the reproductive organs of an animal. Though in the end it is a tough decision to make when considering both side to the problem. On the side that is for the spaying and neutering of their animals, research suggests that it helps keep animals healthy is certain ways that not fixing an animal does. It also contributes to the control of the animal population in not just in America. But, on the other side of the issue there are studies showing that even though fixing an animal has many health and population benefits for animals it can also cause problems for them, as well as brush up against moral boundaries that many people …show more content…

For instance, in an article called “Spaying and Neutering Pets” by the college of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M states that “the decision to spay or neuter your pet may be the best decision for your pet’s overall health”. The article goes on and speaks about the health benefits of fixing an animal. Which is also corroborated by other articles by the ASPCA called “Spay/Neuter Your Pet” and Peta called “Spay and Neuter”. All of these articles depict the same information about how fixing an animal will help stop certain cancers that appear in non-fixed animals such as mammary cancer in females and testicular cancer in males. Another source that is for fixing from The Humane Society called “Why You Should Spay/Neuter Your Pet” speaks on the population of the animals in the United States stating that “In the U.S., there are an estimated 6-8 million homeless animals entering shelters every year.” They go on to say that the reason behind this staggering number of homeless animals is because of pet owners not fixing their animals. While fixing an animal is good for the health and population of animals there are downside to it two. For instance, in the blog article written by Rick Bohning called “Do NOT Spay or Neuter Your Dog. One Size Does Not Fit All”. Bohining is against the procedures because he says that if the

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