
Flammable Liquids

Decent Essays

Arson Detection : The Discovery of Flammable Liquids . In this practice , we analyzed flammable liquids by the method of gas chromatograph . First of all , we tried to find the retention time of standard flammable liquids to be able to identify our unknown sample comparing with their retention times . The standards samples were : charcoal lighter , gasoline , kerosene , light fluid , shellac thinner , and paint thinner . The retention time is calculated by the formula : We injected 5 (1)�L of paint thinner using the syringe needle into the gas chromatograph and we used the speed of 1cm/min to test which volume could be used . However , the pick was too high and we changed the volume (2)to 1 �L , which was better . With the parameters defined …show more content…

3 . Why might there still (12)ne accelerant (13)present on materials found at the base of the fire even though the building was almost entirely burned down ? - Because a considerable portion of the fuel remains (14)unburned and what does burn can leave characteristic burn patterns or diagnostic signs . 4 . How might one determine the physical location of the origin of the fire , so that he might know where to look for evidence of accelerant ? - By the burn/damage patterns found at the origin of the fire it is possible to have an idea of which accelerant was used . When volatile vapors burn above a flammable liquid accelerant they leave distinct patterns (15)unlike other combustible products usually found in a structure . Conclusion Based on the comparison of the retention times of the standard flammable liquids and the average of the unknown sample , we concluded that kerosene was the accelerant used . We run this samples five times and each time we had a different peak that did not match with the standard's peaks . So , we calculated the retention time and we found that the unknown sample had a retention time of 0.7 (16)min and the kerosene had 0.8 (17)min as the retention time , which was the one more close

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