
Flannery O Connor's Good Country People

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A wealthy man consistently donates money to multiple charities and therefore considers himself a giving person. After just auctioning off an $800 painting he takes to walking the busy streets of Gainesville. While reflecting on his generous behavior, he spots a homeless man some ways away from him. Hoping to avoid the man, he hastily crosses the street to avoid the dirty beggar. Looking over his shoulder he thinks I’m sick of these druggies, and continues on with his day. This is how Flannery O’Connor portrays the “holier than thou” concepts shown throughout her writing. Through the year’s individuals develop experiences that they carry on with them for the rest of their lives. Flannery O’Connor’s strongest experiences were rooted through her …show more content…

Throughout her writings the reader can observe the connection that O’Connor made with the outside world. The book “Good Country People” describes how ignorant people can be towards certain aspects of religion. “It had a pale blue spotted lining and there were only two bibles in it. It was hollow and contained a pocket flask of whiskey, a pocket of cards, and a small blue box with printing on it.” (O’Connor 203). It is clear that, here O’Connor is talking about someone who is shallow towards the bible and has no respect towards it. We can assume this about the character because of the way he treats the bible, this can be inferred when the character has condoms and a flask of whiskey on top of the bible which can be looked at as very disrespectful. Later on in this short story we see how this specific character accuses another character of being just like the other Christians that say and do all the same things but don’t actually practice what they say. Also in the book “Good Country People” by Flannery O’Connor later on the hypocritical character judges other around him and see’s their flaws and this impediment the character to be a Christian because he doesn’t want to be like the other common …show more content…

Many times O’Connor’s characters in her literary works were experiencing some sort of spiritual confrontation and through that spiritual confrontation they always found mercy in unbelievable ways. In the NPR website “Flannery O'Connor's Private Life Revealed in Letters” points out “Yes, the early letter, especially the content is very taken up with the subject of each of their faith journey.” (Steve Ennis). This gives us a better understanding of what type of spiritual connection the characters have to O’Connor’s literary works. The confrontation that her character represented with are ones that we all experience on our day to day basis that leads up to that journey of faith. Hopelessness, unhappiness, discouragement, distress, are some aspects that the character’s deal with in her novels which are some recurrent emotions that we all go through in our lives. Flannery O’Connor wanted to connect with her readers in both a spiritual and emotional way. The New Georgia Encyclopedia Website on “Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964)” highlights that when Flannery O’Connor was in her teenage years her father passed away from Systematic Lupus. This affected Flannery in both a spiritual and emotional way. She connected these emotions to her characters as stated before. She connected herself to her characters in the way that they were in the same circle of emotions because of a certain

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