
Flannery O 'Connors Last Story' Parker's Back

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Flannery O’Connor’s last story “Parker’s Back” is written about Parker’s struggles through life. Parker turns to tattoos for comfort most of his life, but on day this changes after getting a tattoo of the, “Byzantine Christ with all-demanding eyes” (Epperson 576). O. E. Parker marries Sarah Ruth who does not approve of his lifestyle. Sarah Ruth worries about her husband and knows what, “...the judgement seat of God would be like if he didn’t change his ways” (Epperson 575). The theme O’Connor is expressing to the reader is that God’s unfailing grace can still be given to an unwilling sinner.
In two important sense O’Connor makes her story like the Bible by making it similar to Moses and the burning bush, and the beating of Christ. The downward

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