
Flappers In The Great Gatsby Essay

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1. Introduction
The Great Gatsby is a perfect painting of 1920’s New York, the Jazz Age and the American Dream. Flappers in it are the best spokesmen of the time.The women in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby are immoral, none of them is seen to have any good behavior or moral responsibility. To some extent, Nick’s narration to the female reveals Fitzgerald’s position and some critics think that Fitzgerald has prejudice and even misogyny on women. So this dissertation will analyze The Great Gatsby of the three major female characters, Daisy, Jordan and Myrtle as well as the social background. And then, from the portrayal of flappers we can see his true feminist value.

2. Flappers in Fitzgerald's the Great Gatsby
The three women, from the different walks of life, are representatives of the "flappers" of the 1920s. Seen from the surface, they are all beautiful, rich, adored and loved by everyone, but immorality is dominant in their characters.

2.1 Daisy Fay Buchanan, a "golden girl"
Partially based on Fitzgerald’s wife, Zelda, Daisy is a beautiful young woman from Louisville, Kentucky. To Gatsby, Daisy represents the paragon of perfection. In reality, …show more content…

Fitzgerald’s feminist value
First, Fitzgerald is quite reserved in conventional morality. He maintains traditional recognition of women characters, and has a conflicting feeling of both love and hatred toward the "flappers" of the Jazz Age. On one hand, he adores and appreciates the new women and the new values they represent; on the other hand, he fears that they stand for the moral degeneration. The great tragedy in his life influences the creation of female characters in his fiction.
Secondly, as the background points out that women’s rise in status, self-consciousness awakening and rebellious spirit run into conflict with people’s traditional recognition of women. The negative portrayal of the women characters reflects men’s prejudice against, dissatisfaction with, and fear of women’s increasing

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