
Flash Fiction Analysis

Decent Essays

The editors of “Flash Fiction” asked themselves the question, “How short can a story be and still truly be a story?” (11). With this in mind, they settled on a maximum word count of 750, with a minimum of 250. They debated keeping it as “one story to a page, just a little book of little stories,” but soon realized that, without the turn of a page during a story, the reader is easily bored (13). Instead, they allowed the stories to begin and end naturally in the book’s layout. “Pumpkins” is a complicated story by Francine Prose, about truth and deception, and distinguishing between them (19-22). The scene is set with the description of a fatal accident between a truck full of pumpkins and a small car, whose driver is killed instantly. A …show more content…

Come Sunday breakfast it isn’t Roy filling in the crossword, it’s a new man- better with words and cats- named Ralph” (80). The final story, “The Nicest Kid in the Universe,” by Chuck Rosenthal, is a deceptively sweet story, with a dark twist at the end (152-154). It introduces Franky Gorky as the nicest kid in the universe, followed by the foreshadowing statement, “But he wasn’t the smartest kid” (152). It then goes on to explain that Franky had never noticed the moon and that, once he had, he was terrified of it. One night, when the moon is nearly full, Franky wishes that the moon would go away. When it begins to slowly (and naturally) shrink back down, night by night, he believes it is his doing. On Christmas Eve there is an eclipse, and Franky is so upset, that he can hardly enjoy Christmas. The next morning, when his grandmother arrives to spend Christmas with them, Franky does the “first bad thing of his life” by running across the street without permission (154). He slips on the ice, and is killed by a drunk driver. The story ends grimly with the following observation: “What happens is, if you’re the nicest kid in the whole universe, then you have to die” (154). The story “Pumpkins” was first published in the journal “Western Humanities Review”. This journal accepts online submissions only, and charge a small submission fee. Flash fictions must be at 1,000 words or less, but authors can submit multiple submissions, as

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