‘The Flash’ Season 4: How Will Cisco and Iris Deal With Leading Team Flash?
“Barry’s superpower isn’t speed. It’s hope.” —HR Wells
Stop! This article contains spoilers for The Flash Season 3 and limited information about the upcoming Season 4.
I don’t know about you but the Season 3 finale episode ‘Finish Line’ of The Flash tugged at the heartstrings. I was ready to cry as Barry (Grant Gustin) willingly sacrificed himself to save Central City from the unstable Speed Force. To see him say his goodbyes to his friends and his family was enough to make me want to throw my computer out the window.
What tore me apart was seeing Barry say goodbye to fiancée, Iris (Candice Patton) and place his best friend Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and soon-to-be brother-in-law
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Being engaged to a superhero, Iris knew what she was getting herself into when she and Barry got together. As we saw just before Barry walked into the Speed Force, she and Barry sent out their Save the Date cards for their wedding. Jeez, thanks Barry.
It would be understandable if she harboured some resentment towards him, because they had just started planning their future, starting with their wedding. Iris even states that she’s ready to become Iris West-Allen.
How They Would Deal With Barry’s Absence
Barry’s absence will be one of the biggest obstacles in the first episode as six full months would passed.
Every character will deal with Barry’s absence differently, depending on the relationship that they have with the speedster.
Being Barry’s fiancée and best friend respectively, will likely act as a factor for Iris and Cisco. Barry’s departure into the Speed Force devastated them and the rest of the team.
Iris’s heartache over Barry’s departure will likely prompt her to become harder as she takes her place up on the podium that is leadership.
Cisco and Barry faced a lot of obstacles in Season 3 when Barry changed the timeline to save his mother, unwittingly creating Flashpoint. When he returned, Cisco was in a state of mourning when it was revealed that the timeline had changed and that Cisco’s older brother, Dante had been hit and killed by a drunk
He wants to hold onto that little girl who needed him just for a little while longer. One flashback that is extremely important is of the "frizzy-haired girl"(Farren 59). When the reader reads about her at first it sounds a bit bizarre, but we soon understand the significance she has in the events of the story. Her quotes are what lead Barry to changing his approach towards raising Moira.
It had been sometime since they defeated Savitar, Catlin refused the cure and left upon doing so. This upset everyone within group flash but mostly Cisco and Iris knew this. The two were the best of friends, they did nearly everything together and her leaving like she did broke a part of him. She knew Cisco wasn’t going to try and stop her or ask her to come back, he was going to allow her to do he own thang and if she ever wanted to take the cure and come back she could. This wasn’t going to work for Iris, she need to know if there was ever a chance she would ever come back and there was only one way to do this and that was to ask her, herself.
' 'You think he 's dangerous?! ' ' Lashed out Iris a bit harder that she intended to. ' 'He 's Barry! He 's our family, our friend, your friend, not a prisoner. He was just confused. ' '
Norris states, “ Let’s celebrate your safe return from the rough fields of victory… ‘I don’t think so “which shows how Barry has matured quickly since he has a father with
Barry has his own team when being the city vigilante, his friends each have their own natural abilities. His main team consist of Dr. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Dr. Harrison Wells, each person helps the Flash by using their knowledge. For example, Dr. Snow is a bio-engineer, Cisco is a mechanical engineer, and Dr. Wells is a scientist. Dr. Snow helps Barry by studying his abilities and their impact on his body, she solves biological issues that can harm him. As a mechanical engineer, Cisco creates devices that help and protect the Flash, he has created the Flash’s suit which has incredible abilities. Dr. Wells is another member of the Flash’s team, he also study’s Barry’s abilities and focuses on how to improve them. The team helps Barry solve crime in the city by combining their abilities to find the safest and most efficient way for the Flash to defeat an enemy. With their reasoning the Flash not only protects his city, but also
Barry had never confronted Moira about the conflicts they’ve been experiencing. Moira
To start off we’ll begin with Campbell’s first stage of the Hero’s Journey. According to his theory, the story must begin where the hero was once normal. To define normal regarding the Flash, the Flash would have had to be someone who existed without any powers, living a regular citizens’ life, and oblivious of the adventures to come. So before Barry became known as the Flash, he was first known as Barry Allen. Barry valued family, justice, and the safety of everyone. He was a regular citizen who worked for Central City’s police department as a Police scientist, too. With the following being stated, we can conclude Barry was already a hero before his special powers. First, Barry is working to fight justice as an employee of Central City’s police department. Secondly, he enjoys fighting for justice in general. And lastly, considering Barry’s personality and values he isn’t selfish for power, disrespectful, dishonest, and greedy like most villain characters. However, according to Campbell’s Hero’s Journey process, Barry
If you’re given a chance to travel back in time to change a personal tragedy for yourself even if it meant to change what and who you love. Will you take that chance? All these hardship problems are face by Barry Allen in The Flash. The Flash is the famous TV show directed by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns, and it runs on CW eleven American channel. The Flash is copied from old comic character.
‘’Think about it. If our kidnapper had Barry’s clothes, the one he was wearing when he disappeared, it’s because she has him too. And, why go to all the trouble to find Earth 2 Barry, kidnap him too, and orchestrate all this show for his death if the only goal was to murder Flash?’’
He tells me, “ Remember this moment Barry. Remember the day where you traded the life of your mother for the rest of the world.” The rears then stop and I grew in range more every second. I get by up then try to pound him to the flour. The rush of anger flew through my vain, making forget all the wounds I have on my body and concentrating on fighting the reverse Flash. I couldn’t hold my own. He out sped me and pick me up by my forehead. “ You have to let me stop is Thawne, you’ll die too,” I say to him. But he responds, “ If it means destroying everything last bits of anything you ever loved, if it means watching your life burn at my very eyes, then my life is a small price to pay. Everything I have worked on has finally come to an end.” But then, I heard a sound of an arrow fire and it went threw Eobard neck, and he fell to the ground. There stood the Green arrow behind me and he took of his mask. He says quickly, “ That should be enough to get you to break the time barrier. I can’t disarmed the bomb but here,” he says while handing me a letter that says “Oliver”. “ What about you,” I say. “ Don’t worry about me. Just run away. Save those who have died. Right your wrongs. And keep your promise, save my
Initially, Barry has a lack of trust in his daughter Moria. Barry starts losing trust in
Barry often proves that he is willing to make sacrifices for others. In season 3 episode 22 “Infantino Street,” Barry and Leonard Snart steal an energy source required to save Barry’s fiance, but by taking it, the facility goes on lockdown. The door to the room begins to close, but only Barry makes it out of the room in time. Snart tries to convince Barry to leave by himself when he says that,“this is your chance to show
Oliver vows that every person on his father’s list will wish he too had died on that island. Similar to the first episode of Arrow, The Flash has it’s first episode named Pilot as well. It begins with a flashback to when Barry Allen’s, the main character, mom is killed in an unexplainable event and his dad is convicted of her murder… which Barry believes to be untrue. Now, 14 years later, Barry works for Central City C.S.I and is quite good at his job. On one particular night a particle accelerator, created by Harrison Wells and was supposed to change the way everyone thought about physics, exploded releasing an unimaginable amount of dark energy. Lightning then struck Barry, which put him in a coma for nine months. After waking up, Barry began to notice certain things were slowing down… or so he thought. In reality, he was just moving unexplainably fast. When a man named Clyde Martin that can inexplicably control the weather starts terrorizing the city, Barry takes it upon himself to take him down. He speaks with Oliver Queen for advice, Barry knows Oliver is the Arrow, and Oliver tells him that he can inspire people the way he himself never could. Barry then takes on Clyde Martin head on and defeats him. The storylines between the two shows are similar because they both begin by showing what made the two heroes and what made them who they are stemmed from former accidents.
''Barry?'' He tried again, jumping on his feet, barely stopping one second to make sure Caitlin was really out for the count before closing the remaining distance with the Flash. Despite all of his anger toward the hero, he didn’t wished for his death, especially after all the things he said to him. How could he just ignored Barry, moved pass him without checking if he was ok? Now, the Flash had no visual sign he was even breathing. Unless it was just because of the darkness playing mind tricks.
Barry feels that blacks are being judged based on a few bad apples, and those are the ones that cause everyone else to have to work harder to hold onto everything. It is those negative stereotypes that make is harder for the blacks to get jobs. Whereas Darlene feels like Barry is looking too much at the group instead of at the individuals inside of the group. She also feels like race issues are getting worse instead of getting better. There is a lot of damage happening in race relations within the United States. A worry that Sheila has is that immigrates will come in favor, and this will cause a new source of competition within America with a new reputation of