
Flawed IQ Testing

Decent Essays

The main purpose of addressing the issue is to prove IQ scored is biased and spurious .Various articles and research papers prove that IQ scores fail to reflect a person’s intelligence. This top-ic is important because due to flawed IQ scores every year, many students are assigned to the wrong class, for example an intelligent student with a low IQ score is assigned to easier class and a student with a high IQ score who may not be intelligent in a particular field is assigned to a higher level class which can be difficult for that student. IQ Tests need to be redesigned to re-pair this major flaw in our academic system
This papers division is into four paragraphs, three of which contain examples from re-search papers about the invalidity of IQ scores. The first paragraph contains the first example about the Flawed IQ score system and to show that IQ score differs from real intelligence .The second example, debates the validity of IQ test and does it really measure Intelligence. The third paragraph addresses the result of the experiment concluded about the validity of IQ tests .The last paragraph contains the final conclusion and analysis and the works cited is provided after the concluding paragraph. …show more content…

The children were made to retake the test and the IQ results of these seven chil-dren were evaluated. In the year 1979.upon examination the new IQ results differed from the earlier IQ results which were. Judge Peckham concluded the state of California once again failed to establish the validity of IQ tests. The above example proves IQ tests fail to measure true intelligence of a person. Since the results of the IQ test changed when the children were made to retake the

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