
Flemen Substance Abuse

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Kevin Flemen has been working in the drug service industry for ten years and helps the vulnerable addicts to find their place in the society.
In the future, drugs are going to be more potent, more deadly and promise better highs. By using coded slangs on the Internet, people can reach the drug vendors, and choose the type of drugs they would want. Electronic highs, and hooking people up through someone online for drug deliveries will take place in the not too distant future. Common profile names include “GMTV” which means the person is using, selling or sharing his drugs with the others.
GMTV is an acronym for G (GBL), M (Mephedrone), T (Tina aka Crystal meth), or V (Viagra).
The treatment for substance abuse is a controversial subject, if to curtail the substance that is abused you replace it with drugs, can decrease the probability of recovery. Recent studies are conducted regarding this topic to cure all the addictions, and discovering neural …show more content…

Addiction of cocaine has proven to be a lifetime addiction and there is always a possibility for relapse even after years of curtailment. These drugs have the ability to alter the physical makeup of the brain.
“There are changes in the brain caused by drug use that occur and persist, but are only unmasked after withdrawal from a drug — in this case, cocaine," senior author David Dietz explained in the press release. "Cocaine use alters the connections between certain neurons through changes in the shape of the cells."
Vaccines can also be used as a supplementary in the drug addiction treatments. These vaccines are shown to weaken or shield against the euphoric sensations caused by the drugs. Clinical trials are already being conducted, in creating an Anti- Cocaine vaccine that would be resistant or “immune” to cocaine. A heroin vaccine shows the ability to be resisting heroin

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