
Flexor Muscle Exercise

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There were few significant differences in knee extensor and knee flexor muscle activity during walking with robotic assistance. Significant differences in muscle activity across condition only occurred in muscles targeted for intervention (knee extensor, VL), with an increase in muscle activity during the EXO condition, a positive result for an extensor muscle. Although some undesirable increases in MH flexor muscle activity were seen in the linear envelopes, they did not present significant changes the statistical analysis on the group level. Muscle activity did not change significantly across visits with the exoskeleton.

On average, cortical activity did not differ in the presence of robotic knee extension assistance, supporting …show more content…

Future work in this area will focus on the use of EEG with exoskeleton assistance to maximize cortical activity during gait rehabilitation. The next step for the exoskeleton is use over extended periods of time, outside of the clinical environment, to determine if maintained muscle activity and improved kinematics translate to effects in normal walking.


Supported by the Intramural Research Program at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center (protocol #13-CC-0210) and the NIBIB Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship Program.


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