
Flight 1239 Essay

Decent Essays

Observed flight 1239 to SEA at gate K15 being worked by two female agents and a male agent. Agents used most of the elevate behaviors when speaking with customers. Female agent scanning the boarding passes greeted customers, personalized the interaction, smiled and thanked customers. Other agents were friendly as well. Opportunity to elevate was missed when agents did not ask customers if they could be of further assistance. One female agent was chewing gum which does not represent the company in a positive manner. Welcome and ConciergeKey announcement was not made for the flight. Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 did not state a lane designation. Basic Economy announcement was not made for the flight. Group 5 was made correctly. Groups 6, 7, 8 and 9 did …show more content…

Agents represented the company in a positive manner. Overall, agents used most of the elevate behaviors when speaking with customers. Agents made eye contact, greeted and provided relevant information. Customers’ name, sir or ma’am could have been used more during the boarding process. Opportunity to elevate was missed when agents did not ask customers if they could be of further assistance. An announcement was made advising customers to have passport out and ready; however, no Baggage and Welcome announcements were made for the flight. Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 did not state a lane designation. Group 6 was made advising customers to use both lanes which is not part of the boarding announcements. Groups 7 and 8 did not state a lane designation. A Final announcement was made for the flight. Customers seated in the exit row were asked the required safety question. Carry-on baggage was compliant as no customers were boarded with non-compliant carry-on bags. GIDs system was used during the boarding process. Most agents were uniform compliant. One female agent was not wearing a visible name bar. All required signage was properly displayed. Boarding Process

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