Seventh on my list is the Tudor Star Tiger which left Santa Maria Azores Airport on January 30, 1948 with 25 passengers aboard the British Airliner. The radio operator received coordinates from the plane and it was agreed the time of arrival should be about 5 AM. The operator was never able to regain radio contact with the Tudor Star Tiger and 20 minutes before the plane was scheduled to land a state of emergency was declared. Many hours after 5 AM the plane had still not arrived or made contact. A fleet of 26 aircraft searched for 5 days but could not find any trace of the Tudor Star Tiger. It simply vanished and no one know where it went. This story about the Triangle definitely sounds creepy. I feel bad for all those people who disappeared. …show more content…
It was a huge US military owned aircraft which was one of the most successful models of all time. On the day that it disappeared it had 42 passengers aboard all naval officers and their families. It was only 400 miles from the coast inside the Bermuda Triangle when it just vanished becoming one of the most mysterious disappearances on my list. An investigation occurred that included the plane, weather and pilot capabilities but nothing was found that could answer why the plane had suddenly disappeared into thin air so to speak. The planes cargo had life rafts which if and when the plane crashed should have floated. The rafts would have been fairly noticeable and quite easy to find but they were never found as well as the rest of the plane or bodies. There was not even an SOS sent out. Tenth on my list was the first Piper-PA aircraft to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle and it did so on June 20, 2005. As you can tell by the date this is a more recent disappearance. It disappeared between Treasure Cay Island of the Bahamas and Fort Pierce in Florida with 3 people aboard. There was another incident which happened on April 10 2007 (the same type of plane) it vanished with only the pilot
Personal Response: I read the book Flight 116 is Down by Caroline B. Cooney. The book was a great book in my mind. Even though the cover gives the crash away it still surprised me. The book was written with great detail. The writer really makes it feel like the story and the crash was happening around the reader.
One day she was flying over the ocean, the next day she was gone, never to be seen again. Amelia Earhart was a pilot and the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1937 Amelia was flying over the Pacific Ocean when she and her plane disappeared. Because Amelia Earhart was such an important person in American History, we need to find out what happened to her. There are quite a few theories about what happened to Earhart. Some of these are she was a spy, gathering information about the Japanese, or she crashed into the Pacific Ocean. One of the most widely believed theories is Amelia Earhart’s disappearance was caused by her plane crashing onto Gardner Island. There is plenty of physical evidence proving she crashed onto the island. Also, there are experts that believe this is what happened to her and there are radio calls from Earhart after her disappearance.
After searching around the island, the body of a pilot was discovered. We have no further details at this
But her plane never arrived. Aircraft carriers and ships searched extensively for Earhart, Noonan, and the plane, but they were never found.
On December 21, 1988, Pan Am flight 103, a Boeing 747, took off from Heathrow Airport in London at 6:25p.m., it was headed
On its website, history tells the story of the spacecraft that crashed in Roswell (Roswell). In the summer of 1947, a rancher by the name Mac Brazel discovered debris in his sheep pasture outside Roswell, New Mexico. Not knowing what to do with the unfamiliar objects, Brazel reported and turned it into the sheriff. It wasn't until long that the headlines began to read “RAAF captures flying saucer on ranch in Roswell region”. The government quickly turned the rumors down by stating it was a crashed weather balloon. This still did not affect the peoples opinion if what it was, many still believed it was a UFO. This still affects our community till this day, and still no one knows what really was found the summer of 1947.
This chilling photo of Amelia Earhart was taken before she left for her final flight in 1937. The photo shows her packing and looking happy.
Many mysteries have occurred in, and around the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is an area that travels from Miami, to Puerto Rico, to Bermuda. These mysteries have baffled scientists and conspiracy theorists for centuries. Sightings go as far back as to when Christopher Columbus was sailing, who reported experiencing strange lights, weird noises, compass malfunction, and even a fireball diving into the ocean. To this day, reportings of strange and mysterious events continue to be experienced similar to those to Christopher Columbus noted back in the 1400’s.
Experts have identified it as part of the plane that went missing March 8, 2014. Flight 370 carried 239 people and vanished without a trace during its path from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China. The discovery of the wing flap proves that the plane crashed somewhere in the Indian Ocean. However, it was found more that 2,000 miles from where authorities originally thought the plane crashed. Authorities are searching to find more plane debris on Reunion.
Some time in July of 1947, a mysterious flying object zigzagged across the skies of New Mexico. Within twenty-four hours the object disappeared from radar just as mysteriously as it had appeared. It was last seen in a small town in the middle of the Arizona desert, it’s name, Roswell.
Disappearances of boats happened on the Atlantic Ocean. The Mary Celeste was seen drifting crewless, Atlanta was on en route to England leaving no trace behind. The Freya, a German bark, was found deserted on October 20, 1902 (Kusche, Lawrence 179). Disappearances on planes were the 2 KL-135 planes’ debris was found 160 miles apart from each other (Argosy 116-118). A plane of 27 men had never been found when they took off at 2:10 pm on December 5, 1945(Bermuda Triangle Demystify). The Douglas DC-3 aircraft containing 32 people went
The first plane to reach its intended target was American Airlines Flight 11. The plane, which was intended to reach Los Angeles, instead made it’s way through the New York skyline. Flight 11 then crashed into the north side of Tower 1, capturing the nation’s attention as the morning shows turned their attention
The second incident was the sightings over Washington DC, this occurred during 1952. The man that spotted it was an air traffic controller, Edward Nugent. There was no mistaking it as there were seven unidentified objects. The Government also had a way to cover up this sighting. They claimed that the unidentified objects on the radar were a misinterpretation of the storms heat signatures.
The Bermuda Triangle covers about 500,000 square miles of the south eastern tip of Florida and the Atlantic Ocean. This strange and mysterious patch in the ocean has caused more than 1000 ships and planes to disappear with no trace of evidence. No one quite knows what happens to these missing ships and planes or where they go but there’s hundreds of theories. Some of which are: Atlantis theory,
You might know that the Bermuda Triangle is a legendary place where numerous disappearances have occurred, but how much do you really know about it? Some people don’t believe in such a place, but some do. Research has been conducted to try and figure out what could possibly be happening here, but with no hard evidence. The mysterious Bermuda Triangle may be more than just a myth though; the Bermuda triangle has a long history with disappearances, few people live through it to tell the tale, and possible theories have been made over the years; leaving scientists questioning this strange phenomenon.