
Flight Behavior

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“title” Barbara Kingsolver’s novel, “Flight Behavior,” strays from the customary novel average readers are used to. Kingsolver’s education in biology is exposed throughout her novel causing the readers to experience a more scientific perspective on the story. The story takes place inside Dellarobia Turnbow’s mind; a restless farmers wife who got pregnant at seventeen and, as a result, had a shotgun marriage. Her life since then has been a wreck. Her marriage is deteriorating, her farm is failing and she finds no more joy in her life. She attempts to rendezvous with a man to temporarily help fill the emptiness in her life. However, on her way to the tryst she sees a remarkable sight which she believes to be a treacherous forest fire. …show more content…

This passage helps to characterize Ovid Byron as a scientist. For example, when he says “since God set them loose here, as you say,” he develops a scientific stance on the subject by pointing out that they believe God put these insects here and that he stands apart from their beliefs and believes that the butterflies were a cause of evolution. Ovid’s scientific status helps the reader throughout the rest of the novel to better understand the monarchs. Until this point Dellarobia didn’t know that the monarchs were in danger. The reader can infer from this passage, based on information gathered previously in the novel, that the monarchs had to adapt to living on the Turnbows farm because of the floods in Mexico. The butterflies help develop a central theme of adapting to survive, however as the reader progresses in the novel they learn that the monarchs are actually dying regardless of their attempt to adjust to the change. The butterflies reflect on Dellarobias character, causing the reader to notice the similarities between the butterflies and her. Dellarobia is the most important character of the story. Through her we see the drastic changes in her behavior and actions. She has always lived an unfortunate life; with her shotgun marriage and her miscarriage she is unable to pursue her dream of becoming more educated. However, as the novel progresses, Dellarobia begins to realize that just like the

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