
Flight Movie Essay

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“Flight” The movie “Flight” is centered around a main character named “Whip” Whitaker who was a high functioning alcoholic and drug user. He was a pilot on a plane that crashed. He was drunk and used drugs before boarding the flight. Whip faced many ethical dilemmas throughout the film, which highlighted how ethical decisions aren’t always black and white but more of a gray area. One answer isn’t always right and usually a person is torn between weighing the pros and cons of either decision that could be made. “Whip” was a very complicated person. He had many flaws in his character such as difficulty trusting others and a lost identity of himself. These character flaws could have started in his childhood or his unhealthy relationships with his ex wife and son. The cause of the flaws was not explicitly stated. Although Whip didn’t realize it, he hated himself and this was exhibited in many ways. For example, when Whip went to visit his …show more content…

In the final scene, his son came to visit and asked him “Who are you?” His response was an appropriate one, “That is a good question”. We all could ask ourselves that question. The answer to that question could change frequently because as humans we are changing individuals. If you come to a point where you don’t like who you are you can change. The key to change is first owning up to the wrongs you have done, that way you verbally confess to yourself and others that you recognize that your behavior has been wrong and that you intend to change, although it may not be easy. Whip’s answer to his son’s question changed drastically throughout the course of the movie. He went from an alcoholic and drug user to a guy in prison who was talking to other inmates about the importance of changing their bad behavior. He proved that people truly can

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