The patient left a VM requesting a refill on his Flonase. Notified the patient. Two patient verifier used to confirm name and DOB. Informed the patient that his request for a refill on his Flonase was ordered and will be available for pick up in the clinic's pharmacy after 1pm. Patient state that he also wish to schedule an apt to discuss pain treatment option because his has history of generalized chronic pain. Apt was schedule. See below. Patient was instructed to arrive 15min early. Patient verbalized understanding to plan of
The patient did not hesitate to sign the tx violation and was very understanding as to why due to non-compliance, but again, this writer gave the patient credit for his efforts, but appointment needs to be established with proof of documentation. This writer strongly urges the patient to still follow through with team recommendation and obtain a documentation of his scheduled intake, at which the patient agreed to do.
Frankie Tilmon continues to be out of treatment compliance. Frankie has missed his last four appointments, 7/2/15, 7/9/15, 7/16/15, and 7/30/15. Frankie contacted this provider on 7/6 to apologize for missing his appointment on 7/2 and was reminded of his next appointment on 7/9, which he agreed to attend. On 7/15 Frankie contacted this provider to apologize for missing his treatment appointment on 7/9 and agreed to make his appointment the following day, which he failed to appear for. On 7/16 Frankie contacted this provider to again apologize for missing his appointment and wanted to confirm his next scheduled appointment day/time. I told Frankie that his appointment day and time has not changed; it was on Thursdays at 4pm. Frankie told
On 03/11/2016 SC met with Pa in her apartment for a RA visit. Pa 's Agency Model PAS aide was not present while SC was there. The Pa appeared poorly groomed and dressed in dark color clothes. The apartment was dirty and cat litter and feces on the table and floor. All utilities are in working order. The Pa reported numerous hospitalizations between Temple University and Episcopal University. The Pa did know the exact dates of admission and/or discharge. However, the Pa stated that reasons for admission were either asthma exacerbation; COPD and/or fluid around the Lungs. The SC placed call to Temple University Hospital medical records department and inquiries about Pa admission and discharges. The SC was placed on hold for a long time and when the SC did speak with the receptionist she stated that most of the Pa admission was at Episcopal Hospital Temple University and she did not have the time to go over every admission she provided the SC with the medical records department telephone number for Episcopal. The SC thanks her for her time and end call. The dates of ER visits and hospital admissions are as follows: 11/2015, 12/2015, 3/1/2016-3/4/2016, 3/5/2016-3/6/2016; and two ER visits 2/29/2016 and 3/7/2016 at Temple University. SC reviewed Pa’s services and per Pa he is receiving services in the type, scope, amount, frequency and duration as specified in the ISP. But the SC reasons to doubt that the Pa is receiving service according to the ISP. The SC arrived at the Pa’s
A-The patient appeared to not comply with DCF recommendation due to conflict with his assigned DCF worker. The writer strongly advises the patient to stay in compliance with DCF as of his permanency planning. The patient was alert, engaging and oriented during this encounter. No evidence of SI/HI. The patient will need to comply with attending the 3 group session as scheduled as part of his clinical intervention.
6. Right documentation- The seven rights should be documented with great detail along with any adverse events and instructions provided to the patient regarding being alert of reactions and what steps to take. This step should always follow the administration of medications. The person who has administered the medication needs to verify again that all the seven rights were followed to make sure that no medication errors were made. After the end of this order,without leaving any lines or spaces the person administering the order signs his or her name along with there credentials and followed by the date and time the order was given. In some instances the medical assistant may write down the information regarding a medication administered by the provider in the provider’s stead,but the provider still needs to sign, date and time the entry personally. The medical assistant should never document a medication for anyone else nor should anyone else record medication that the medical assistant (you)
Reporting party (RP) stated he arrived at the facility to meet with resident George Dixon (7/11/52) on 3/29/17. Resident was recently placed at the facility after being released from the hospital. Staff did not allow RP to enter the facility so that he could conduct his metal health assessment for the resident. RP presented his business card from his agency but was still denied entry. The resident has been enrolled in RP's program since 02/01/16 and has been visited previously by Social Worker Kathy Kleinman and by staff Denise Ramirez on 3/10/17. Staff told RP that he has to contact the administrator to make an appointment to visit with resident. RP's agency faxed over the consent for treatment to the facility and the DMH contract. Patient's
Mr. Flowers is a 41 year old male who presented to the ED via LEO under IVC from Daymark Recovery Services. TACT assisted ED staff with deescalating Mr. Flowers after being informed of Mr. Flowers was becoming agitated. Mr. Flowers was concern about when he was able to leave and was under the impression he could leave tonight. TACT spoke with Paige from MCBH who informed TACT that MCBH was still seeking placement for Mr. Flowers. Mr. Flowers was informed of the current status of his disposition. Mr. Flowers gave this clinician verbal permission to speak with his wife Vickie Flowers about the status of his disposition and explain the process to her. This clinician explain the process and informed her of status.
Acchione advised he could not wait until 10/17/16 for his package to arrive and requested a week’s worth of medication on an overnight shipment. The mail order representative requested an order to be sent out to the member. Later, on 10/12/16, Mail Order customer service received a call from the plan inquiring about Mr. Acchione order that he never received. The mail order representative advised that both medications Allopurinol and Omeprazole was shipped out on 9/29/16 and according to the tracking number was estimated to deliver on 10/3/16. The plan connected Mr. Acchione on the call with mail order and the member advised the mail order representative that an overnight delivery request was made earlier on 10/12/16. The mail order representative researched the request for an overnight delivery, but advised the shipping information was not yet available. The mail order representative advised the member an interim fill for a 10 day supply at a retail pharmacy until the member received his order delivery on 10/17/16. The mail order representative confirmed with the pharmacist that a 10 supply could be processed on 10/13/16 and a reshipment request can be placed on 10/18/16. The member requested to have his medication filled at a retail pharmacy because the reshipment of a full supply could not be completed until 10/18/16. A 10 day supply request was placed at a local pharmacy on behalf of the member. I hope that the member no longer experiences any more issues going
On 12/28/16 Mr. Rizzotti has express that his cell phone has not been working for several weeks. He came to the staff office and Wellness Coach Teresa Cain provided him the number and resources to recover a new cell phone. Mr. Rizzotti called his cell phone company to express that he phone was no longer working. In completion of that phone call Mr. Rizzotti stated that they will be providing him with a new phone in the upcoming weeks. Wellness Coach then asked Mr. Rizzotti about his medical appointments and he stated that he will rescheduled them when he get a chance. In understanding that Mr. Rizzotti COPD appears to be worst as the days goes on Wellness Coach offered to get medical help and Mr. Rizzotti denied that resource. Mr. Rizzotti
Telephone contact made to the patient. Two patient verifier completed. The patient states that on last Friday, Jan 8. she recieved a small pox vaccination to her left on arm. The patient state a couple day later she starts having pain in her left armpit and to the top of her left breast with very mild swelling. The patient rates her pain level 7/10 and is constant. She denies, lump or mass with palpated. She also denies, reddness, fever, chill, change in deodrant or body wash. The patient states that she has an appt sheduled with he provider on next Tuesday, Jan 19 but like to be seen sooner. Offered the patient an appt with Major Blount for today at 1420 or 1440 but the patient refused due to a meeting. Encourage the patient to keep
The nurse must verify the physician’s medication order, including the dose and time, and then the pharmacy is responsible for their own checks and balances via the BCMA system in order to complete the dispensing phase of the medication (Gooder, 2011). The nurse enters the BCMA system with a login and password and is able then to see a list of the virtual due list for a specific patient. The computer on wheels is then taken to that patient’s room and the five rights of medication administration begin. As nurses, we are taught to use the five rights of drug administration are (1) right patient (2) right medication (3) right dose (4) right route and (5) right time. By scanning the barcode on the patient’s hospital identification band, the nurse then asks for the patient to verbally state their name and date of birth, which can be verified by the nurse on the virtual due list and then choses the medication that are due for administration at that time. The medication is dispensed and the nurse is able to scan the barcode on the medication, the scanning triggers the automatic documentation of the medication given (Kelly, 2012).
The medication reconciliation process compares the medications taken by a patient prior to admission to a facility with medication orders at the facility. The Joint Commission (TJC), the accrediting body for health care organizations, stipulates that the medication reconciliation process must be completed within 24 hours of admission (Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 35, 2006). This process begins with compiling an accurate list of the patient's home medications which are also referred to as prior to admission (PTA) medications. At Poudre Valley Hospital, it is the job of the Pharmacy Admission Specialist (PAS) to compile and verify this list. The PAS must collect, record and communicate to the provider an accurate list of the patient's
Thus when patient arrives and ask for medication, technician will retrieve by patients last name. Technician confirms patient’s address before handing medication to patient. By confirming address, technician makes sure that they are giving right medication to right patient and reduces the error of handing medication to wrong patient having same names. While handing medication pharmacist counsel patient on their medication and answer all their concerns and questions. Patient has direct access to the pharmacist, as pharmacist is not hidden behind the counter while counseling. Patients are more satisfied with the service provided as they can directly and free talk to
With Jana being off for the next few weeks, I am covering for her on the hematology oncology floor of the cancer center. Monday, I saw two consults that morning. Then in the afternoon, I contacted a patient about getting a wig ordered for her. I also made five, three-day phone calls to patients who have upcoming consults. Tuesday, I was covering consults again for Jana as well as helping Angie downstairs with various things. I saw two consults that morning, continued making phone calls, and met with a few patients in the chemotherapy room. I faxed in a patient’s gas reimbursement form to Arkansas Medicaid transportation system. The patients are required to sign this form, then the social workers sign as well to prove that the patient was truly at their appointment. I also helped Angie put care maps together that afternoon. Wednesday, I was with Angie on the radiation floor due to there not being any consults upstairs. Angie met with a patient that morning who was interested in completing a JETS application so she could have transportation for her cancer treatments. Angie printed off the application and I looked over it to just see what all questions it asked. I completed what questions I could for the patient by getting her information off the computer. What I did not know or could not answer, I left blank and Angie said we would have to finish it with the patient on her next visit. Angie completed a consult while I was working on the application and she wanted
Upon arrival a patient should have been made aware about a delay therefore he/she would not get inpatient. The appointment itself should not be rushed. A health proffessional should have explained everything in a clear and precise manner giving patient the opportunity to voice any concern or ask any additional questions. In regards to the appointment itself, the