Experiment 1
Fluid Flow In A Smooth Pipe
In this experiment, three variable flow meters are used to alter the flowrate. Changes in pressure drop due to the change in flowrate are then observed from the three pressure gauges that can measure pressure at different range and recorded. The shift from laminar flow to turbulent flow is seen from the results recorded, but it is observed more clearly from the water-soluble dye experiment that was carried out by the demonstrator. Laminar flow turns to be turbulent when the Reynolds Number goes above a certain value, around 2000.
To look at how the pressure drop changes when the average velocity is altered in a circular pipe and to plot a graph of Friction Factor versus Reynolds
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Fanning friction, f: f=∆PLd2ρV2 f=191001.50.01262999.44(3.56)2 f=0.0063 Head loss, hf:
19100=999.449.81(hf) hf=1.948 m
Using the definition gz1+V122+P1ρ=gz2+V222+P2ρ , the condition z1≠z2 is true if the two pressure taps are not horizontal (at different height).
While the condition V1≠V2 is true if the cross sectional area of the pipe is not the same from the first pressure tap to the second pressure tap.
Considering a viscous liquid that is being pumped through a smooth pipe with the parameters: ρ=1460 kg/m3 μ=5.2×10-1Ns/m2 D=0.1 m Q=5×10-2 m3/s
To determine the velocity,
V=5×10-2π0.124 m/s
V=6.37 m/s
Then find the Reynolds Number,
According to Figure 2, the Fanning friction factor is 0.007.
The Bernoulli equation:
Horizontal pipe, so ∆z=0
Constant pipe cross sectional area, so ∆12V2=0
Also, work done by pump, WP=-Ws
So the Bernoulli equation is reduced to
F=WPL=6.85×10-4∆PL+5.68 N
The objective of this exercise is to measure the pressure distribution across the surface on an aerofoil in a wind tunnel. The aerofoil is tested under several different Mach numbers from subsonic to supercritical. The purpose of measuring the pressure distributions is to assess the validity of the Prandtl-Glauert law and to discuss the changing chracteristics of the flow as the Mach number increases from subsonic to transonic.
So an increase in pressure would cause an increase in the equilibrium yield of COCl2
5ml pipettes graduated in 0.1 ml units with suction devices or automatic pipetters and tips
In this experiment the measure of each wells in each plates that will be identical.In
of it. Based on my training and experience I know this type of pipe to be
The volume of a small test tube and a thin-stemmed pipet were determined in this section of the lab. Water was poured into a small test tube until the water reached the very top edge of the test tube. The test tube was then emptied into a plastic 25 mL graduated cylinder and volume was measured and recorded into data table 3. A think-stemmed pipet was completely filled with water. Drops were carefully counted and emptied into the empty plastic 25 mL graduated cylinder until the water level reached 1 mL. The number of drops in 1 mL was recorded into data table 3. The thin-stemmed pipet had a total volume of 4 mL and that was also recorded into data table 3.
The purpose of the fluid flow meters experiment was to determine the operating characteristics of the Venturi and orifice meters. The purpose of the tray hydraulics experiment was to study the vapor and liquid tray hydraulics parameters for sieve, or perforated, trays in a distillation column. By performing experiments based on theory and comparing results to literature values, the objectives of this experiment can be achieved.
Assuming no viscous forces present an inviscid model has been used for the calculations. Also from the equation of the Reynolds number Re=ρvl/μ due to Re being really big rearranging and assuming v and l to be constant the viscous force μ =ρvl/Re becomes negligible.
4. The flow velocity increases as the flow gets closer to the barrier wall and reduces as it moves away from the wall. This is because as the flow rate is constant (Conservation of mass) while the area of the flow cross section decreases when it gets closer to the barrier wall, the flow velocity increases. This is best understood by referring to the continuity equation,
-The Reynolds number of this experiment was then calculated using equation (4) where c is the length of the aerofoil chord and is the dynamic viscosity of air.
Flow unit = 1 order of 1 dozen the theoretical flow time is 26 minutes. This is
The lid-driven cavity flow is most probably one of the most studied fluid problems in the
What would happen if you increased the driving pressure? Use the simulation to arrive at an answer. The concentration remained the same but the filtrate rate increased.
During the first lab period, after the accident was cleaned up, we were able to obtain four density and viscosity measurements for both water and propylene glycol at different temperatures. For the pipe flow experiments, we were able to complete eight trials for turbulent flow experiment, twenty trials for the pump performance experiment, and five trials for the laminar experiment. These trial numbers were short of our goal of finishing all of the trials for both turbulent laminar for that day because of the accident
a) Transfer pipette was obtained. The pipette was cleaned because distilled water does not drain uniformly. A cleaning solution or detergent was used to clean the pipette.