
Fly Genetics Personal Statement

Good Essays

I assist a graduate student in a biology lab working to find genes and mechanisms involved in sperm competition between different strains of Drosophila. I have worked ten hours a week this summer and will continue with those hours during the coming school year. My tasks include identifying and separating individuals by sex, setting up crosses and dissecting males to determine their fertility. Much of what I do requires fine motor skills, attention to detail and a good deal of patience because there are so many tiny flies and larvae to count and handle. The experiment has proven very educational, and I have learned much about fly genetics and evolutionary processes.

At the campus gym, I hand out equipment to students and check members into …show more content…

We provide something thrilling and fun to a child who might not be very enthusiastic about the subject in the classroom. Exploding gummy bears and making goo or silly putty was not only fun for me, but so satisfying to see the delight on a child’s face, all the while knowing that his or her outlook on science might be forever changed. Overall, this organization has been a major contributor in my change from a quiet and struggling freshman to a more confident, outgoing and driven …show more content…

It was stark contrast to the patients I saw in the ER at Riley Hospital or in my hometown with so many cases of bedbugs, drug overdoses or drug seeking behavior. The divide of socioeconomic status was clear in the types of patients that presented, but I was inspired by how many of the doctors and nurses provided quality and equal treatment to everyone. Of course there were instances for a particularly uncooperative patient made the treatment process difficult, but overall the reception of the staff was always inviting with nothing but the best of care

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