In Case Study 5.2 “Flying Against the Wind” San Diego International Airport, known also as the Lindbergh Field, wanted to expand in 2007, but faced challenges. It is located in the front bay location with limited room to grow (Guth and Marsh, pp. 155). In 2007, they served more than 18 million passengers. There were given the opportunity to relocate and San Diego County residents rejected the measure by a 62 percent to 38 percent margin (Guth and Marsh, pp. 156). The San Deigo County Regional Airport Authority decided to develop a master plan to expand airport operations in the existing 661- acre site. Resulting in Authority Board approval of an environmental Impact Report, which is a requirement under California’s environmental law. Trying …show more content…
The most critical aspects in the concept of an agenda-setting role of mass communication is the time frame (Agenda-Setting Hypothesis). Referring back to the case immediate response from the airport to gain support occurred rapidly. With the help of the community leaders (opinion leaders), residents, and individual business yield positive responses the airport wanted. Despite the protest of the master plan the airport was able to turn that negative into a plus. Let’s not forget the media that was used to educate residents about the airport. It is clear how the public opinion and comminution within the two are crucial. The public opinion takes into account the wide range of sides people will take. Once the message is delivered feedback from the public is expected. The feedback is the action taken by the public. Two sides were seen in this case; the residents that supported the plan and the residents that did not. The action can be predicted with great communications outlets also called channels. The support cards, video and website were examples used in this
There are many important accomlisments that have happened over the last 100 years such as Neil Armstrong landing on the Moon, Jonas Salk creating the Polio Vaccine etc. I believe one of the more overlooked accomplishments the last 100 years is Charles Lindbergh flying the first nonstop flight from New York to Paris in 1927. Lindbergh was in the air for about 33 hours. This tells you how transportation had evolved from the last 20 years prior with Wilbur and Orville Wright flying the first plane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. John Ward wrote a great piece on the impact of Charles Lindbergh Flight in 1927.
Have you ever thought about what you're doing when you're riding a boat or a plain, just stop and think who's idle was it to slap a big piece of wood in the ocean for an extended period of time with only enough food to last you a few months or whose ideal it was to try and send a metal bird construct through the air with people in, well after a little research and inquiry i've found out how why and when, if your interested don't stop reading here keep going.
Press, media, news, and entertainment today are used to both influence, shape and mold our minds. Whether it is politics, fashion, sports, conflicts, or finance the way and how it makes it's way to the people is very important. The perspective and delivery of the news determines if the message will come off as propaganda, gossip, or informative. News can be both a positive and negative weapon given the impact that is has on the minds, views and behavior of the people who are consuming it. The impacts and effects of the news can either unite a group of people or separate them. Although
After the eventful years that were filled with laughing and crying. People were calling the kidnap "The Crime of the Century”. Which included the subsequent arrest, trial and conviction of the carpenter Bruno Richard Hauptmann. Bruno was the man who kidnapped Anne’s first child. Throughout the years the Lindbergh’s were disturbed by threats about taking their second child John who was born in 1932. Anne and Charles moved to England where they had five children. Soon, they learned how to cope with their lose. Later in life, Anne suffered from strokes, and later she caught pneumonia. The Lindbergh's bought different houses around the world. Charles and Anne tried spending their last time together. While in the plane they wanted to take one last
Aviator Charles Lindbergh became famous for making the first solo transatlantic airplane flight in 1927. Starting off by dropping out of college in his sophomore year, then working his
Charles A. Lindbergh was one of the greatest men in aviation history. Lindbergh was always an very out going person. He believed that he was always doing what was best for aviation no matter who he insulted or who he went against. He was a brave man that would often push the limits of his body, technology, and his planes. His goal was to advance aviation. This man did what ever it took because he believed in something greater than himself.
This primary source is an article that appeared in the New York Times on May 21,
In today's society, agenda setting is prevalent too. An example could be our daily editions of The Straits Times. Whatever is on the front page of the broadsheet can already be seen as an act of agenda setting by the media. The front page of the newspaper is usually what people look at first as the most salient news are placed there. In turn, agendas are already set for the audience as the medium is telling them that whatever is on the front page is of importance, and because these issues are brought to the public's attention, they would automatically think and generate
South Lake Tahoe airport is located three miles southwest of Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County. The aviation airport covers 348 acres with only one runway. The City of South Lake Tahoe has an airport master plan. There have been no passenger flights at the airport since 2001. There are previous master plans prepared and completed for upgrading the airport. A master plan settlement agreement was also supported to provide framework for commercial services in the airport. However, it expired in 2012. In 2013, the city initiated the Airport Master plan update with funding from FAA to know the current and future potential of this airport. The steps of this planning process are documented in phase one to four of the report. This essay analyses this
Thank you for providing the California Department of Transportation (Department) the opportunity to review and comment on the Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Valley Corridor Specific Plan (Project). The project area would be oriented along a 1.25-mile corridor of Valley Boulevard between Alder and Spruce Avenues boundaries. The Project proposes land use and development framework to ultimately support approximately 1,093 housing units in residential and mixed-use projects and up to 1.9 million square feet of nonresidential building square footage comprised of a variety of retail stores, restaurants, hotels, and business development/office space on a 355 acre area.
Understanding the background and history of the Agenda Setting Theory is imperative to this analysis. Dr. Max McComb and Dr. Donald Shaw developed the Agenda Setting Theory in a study conducted during the 1968 presidential election (McCombs & Shaw, 1972, p. 178). This study describes how if an audience is exposed to the same media, they will place importance on the same issues. This theory strictly presents information and sets the terms of public discourse. At the time, this was a trailblazing new idea.
Agenda-setting is one of the most important factors in shaping public opinion. Agenda-setting can be defined as the ability of the media to direct public attentions toward the issues they believe are important to the public. But whose choice is it that determines which issues are more important over others? The news media can set an agenda-setting by focus attention on selected issues on which the public will form opinions from (McCombs). The media can paint a memory in your head by repeatedly repeating the issues on different media sources as Internet, network televisions, newspapers, etc. Since these sources are the cheapest and easiest to access, the information can be view by vast number of audiences. As quoted in a 1922 classic called “Public Opinion” by Walter Lippmann,
Agenda setting theory is the hypothesis done by Shaw and McCombs, stating that the mass media has the ability to transfer the importance of issues on their news agenda to the public agenda. This theory contrasted with the selective exposure hypothesis which held that people only attend to stories which confirm their world view. The theory had two attractive features, one it reaffirms the power of the press and second it maintains individual freedom. Also it is represented a back to the basics approach to mass communation research, with a focus on election campaigns.
Notably, the findings drawn from this report are not exclusive to California and can be helpful to different areas around the United States as they approach land use decisions unique to their jurisdiction. Finally, independent groups who may find this research useful include the environmentally conscious subset of California’s population and certain businesses concerned with the consumption and sustainability of California’s natural resources and the tools available to meet this issue.
Each year, the media’s influence on our lives and opinions grows and strengthens. Gone are the days when the media solely existed to inform its audience of current events. Now, the media’s messages result in noticeable shifts in public opinion and the reinforcement of individual attitudes and beliefs. With profits, ratings, and viewership in sight, outlets prioritize a limited selection of controversial and opinionated stories to keep their audience engaged and wanting more. One glaring instance of this was when the media constantly covered and analyzed the plans to construct a “mosque” near the 9/11 memorial site in mid-2010. Although city officials and developers were initially excited about the idea, the media’s coverage successfully turned