
Flying Against The Wind: Lindbergh Field

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In Case Study 5.2 “Flying Against the Wind” San Diego International Airport, known also as the Lindbergh Field, wanted to expand in 2007, but faced challenges. It is located in the front bay location with limited room to grow (Guth and Marsh, pp. 155). In 2007, they served more than 18 million passengers. There were given the opportunity to relocate and San Diego County residents rejected the measure by a 62 percent to 38 percent margin (Guth and Marsh, pp. 156). The San Deigo County Regional Airport Authority decided to develop a master plan to expand airport operations in the existing 661- acre site. Resulting in Authority Board approval of an environmental Impact Report, which is a requirement under California’s environmental law. Trying …show more content…

The most critical aspects in the concept of an agenda-setting role of mass communication is the time frame (Agenda-Setting Hypothesis). Referring back to the case immediate response from the airport to gain support occurred rapidly. With the help of the community leaders (opinion leaders), residents, and individual business yield positive responses the airport wanted. Despite the protest of the master plan the airport was able to turn that negative into a plus. Let’s not forget the media that was used to educate residents about the airport. It is clear how the public opinion and comminution within the two are crucial. The public opinion takes into account the wide range of sides people will take. Once the message is delivered feedback from the public is expected. The feedback is the action taken by the public. Two sides were seen in this case; the residents that supported the plan and the residents that did not. The action can be predicted with great communications outlets also called channels. The support cards, video and website were examples used in this

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