
Fm Rouge Research Paper

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Empirically, the Khmer Rouge regime, from its conception in 1975 to its fall in 1979, supremely, holistically, and irreversibly overthrew Cambodian society. As a hard line communist movement defined by fundamentalist socialism the Khmer Rouge, under leader Pol Pot, attempted total social reconstruction and evolution. Envisaging a Cambodia without inequality and equal distribution of wealth, the Khmer Rouge implemented its aims of isolation and departure from Western capitalism through oppressive technique; in seeking a better nation, the movement indeed destroyed the ideological and philosophical integrity of Cambodia’s political system, economic structure, and social fabric.

Primarily, the Khmer Rouge aimed in an economic sense to revitalise the national economy under the …show more content…

A major aspect of the economic impact of the Khmer Rouge was the widespread establishment of agricultural cooperatives, or a pointed process of collectivisation, which completely changed the dynamic of the Cambodian labour force and also the inherent means of production, distribution, and exchange. The working population was separated into three forces who were assigned to different aspects of the economy which were all based in advancing agriculture, be it actually producing food or developing infrastructure to supplement it. All were expected to work 10-12 hour days and labour conditions were generally subpar with harsh discipline and poor hygiene. In a similar fashion to achieve economic independence in the communism model the Khmer Rouge abolished all private ownership, leading to neglected industrial sectors and a sever deterioration in the functionality of the tertiary industry. The essence of the economic implications of the Khmer Rouge is evident in, again, ‘Red Brotherhood at War’. ‘We are building socialism without a model… there is no money, no commerce’. The economic approach of the Khmer Rouge was fundamentally flawed. Isolation and hard line

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