By analyzing the pre-assessment data, Focus Student 1 has mastered the majority of the objectives that will be covered throughout this unit. Based on Focus Student 1 score, I can tell that he will have no trouble determining whether the New Deal was an effective response to the Great Depression, and determining if FDR’s New Deal undermined the constitutional principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. In terms of other learning goals, I would like Focus Student 1 to fully participate in all learning activities. He as the tendency to lose focus and checks out.
The territories of development that will be centered around are social abilities and critical analysis. I picked these territories of development since
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Based on Focus Student 2 score, I can tell that she will have trouble determining whether the New Deal was an effective response to the Great Depression, and determining if FDR’s New Deal undermined the constitutional principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. Her main learning goal will be to complete the in class activities with 100% accuracy and to complete all homework work 100% with at least a 75% accuracy.
The ranges of development that will be centered around are critical analysis, collaboration, and time management. The reason that I concentrated on coordinated effort with her is on the grounds that she experiences issues with utilizing the cooperation time. At the point when requested that impart her thoughts to others, she decides to not say much and to concentrate on taking a shot at her own. In view of exchanges I have had with my collaborating instructor I comprehend that she battles with moving beyond insignificant comprehension of thoughts and starting to investigate the data that is being examined. As far as time administration, she by and large finishes assignments before most other individuals and as opposed to utilizing the additional time to go over her answers and to sharpen what she has done on assignments, she does different things. This should be tended to keeping in mind the end
Produce a report to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of different theorist of development. This report should identify how these theorists have influenced current practice.
It helps one avoid plagiarizing by giving the author credit for their idea or quote.
When both orders has been placed successfully, payment has been captured by the system. No worry as the payment was already processed, we will refund the amount of $114.42 within the next business day. I can confirm that we have passed your refund details to our Finance team to complete the transaction. Please allow an additional 3-5 business days for it to reflect back into your
I just came back from a battle near the city of Ypres. The German forces launched 5700 canisters of chlorine gas at the Allied forces. You could see the yellow-green clouds of gas rolling towords our lines. It was devastating. The gas affected over 10,000 people, killing half of them. The cause of death was asphyxiation. The Algerian forces retreated, and the Germans moved forward to fill the gaps, albeit cautiously. They stopped after only 3.25 kilometres and dug in. That allowed us soldiers to recover. We fought all night to try and close the gap. Then came another gas attack. Their target was us, the Canadian line. We were suffocating, so we covered our faces with urine-covered handkerchiefs.
On 06.08.2015 I started unit 8 reading assignment. I also read the same day all the assignments on unit 8 including unit 9 and revise questions as well. On 07.08.2015 I started doing my assignments. I took a day off on 07.08. 2015. which helped me to do my assignments.
Additionally, Paula struggles staying focused and on-task during class instruction. Paula frequently gets lost and distracted with the material in front of her, but Paula makes up for it with her dedication to answer the question correctly. Frequently, Paula observes her peers respond during whole class discussions and also answers some of the questions asked during these discussions. The teacher uses these opportunities as a learning opportunity to highlight the correct answer or guide the students into saying the correct answer. It is great that Paula wants to participate in classroom discussions because she remains fully engaged and frequently offered the opportunity to state his own understandings about the concept or skill he is being taught. Drawing on this observation and the use of intervention work, the teacher can plan future opportunities to allow the students to not only communicate their understandings about the content they are being taught, but to also further drive in the content he is being
This is a report which has been created to introduce new childcare practitioners to safeguarding within a childcare setting. This will help new practitioners to understand current legislations within the United Kingdom.
This web site review is on Shmoop and the Franklin Delanor Roosevelt’s first two terms, and his New Deal. After reading about the New Deal in Chapter 24 and my interest in the roaring 20’s, and my love of studying world war two, I had never really learned about the true tough times the United States had for over nine years. It gave me a deeper understanding of the great depression and FDR, before Pearl Harbor. Shmoop’s FDR New Deal section grabbed my attention right off the bat with its goofy yet informational YouTube clip about the New Deal. Over the duration of this class I have always been enamored by wars and fighting. However, I never really thought about how years leading up to war truly effect a nation. FDR and his New Deal put that into perspective for me by introducing the time period and the notion of the people. which put Roosevelt into office. From my time in high school when I learned the New Deal, I had the notion that it saved our nation. The overarching question of this website was the New Deal a success or a failure? Overall, goal was to provide relief, reform and to recover the once booming nation. With that being said, Smhoop broke down scoring into the three R’s. To create relief FDR created millions of new jobs, bridges, dams, and highways we still use today, along with creating federally funded agencies to get the people back on their feet. The relief help families gave them a paycheck which allowed them to feed their family and kept families out of
For this assignment, I’ve been told to take several assessments which allowed me to get a better idea of my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats which may help or hurt me in the future. It allowed me to see what jobs that might fit me best such as a Labor Relations Specialist or Curriculum and Assessment Director.
addition, the policy indirectly supports the families of the elderly. It does so by offering services to caregivers that prevent or shorten costly nursing home placements, relieving financial strain, and providing educational programs to give a better understanding of aging. However, due to insufficient funding OAA services have restricted access and cannot reach all the elderly in need. Statistical demographics reveal that 27% of seniors that are receiving services are below the poverty line, recipients are more likely to be female (71% vs 57%), twice as likely to be rural, more likely to live alone, have less income, less educated, and less healthy than the average senior (Herrera 2013).
Although development is called different names, it is important to remember that these areas are interconnected and link with one another.
Second-grade students will need to be able to solve problems that involve the addition and subtraction operations. Just about each of the major clusters in the Focus Document works with addition and subtraction. This informs me that when teaching, I will need to provide the students with a wide variety of math that will help students become successful in the addition and subtraction operations so students will be successful when they reach third-grade. The Focus Document also informs me that I will need to spend some time teaching students about working with time and money. I will also need to be able to help students represent and interpret the data. The Focus Document is a great tool that helps me understand what the students should be learning in the math class. This document also informs me on the information that students need to know before reaching the next grade level. If I am observing students in second grade that have meet the require fluencies for second grade, then I know that these students will more than likely be successful by the time third grade arrives.
Thesis 2: It is arguable that the New Deal proposed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt was vastly successful in stimulating the American economy and society as a whole, due to the series of federal programs and acts it created which, were aimed at relieving the calamities brought about by the Great Depression. (POL, WXT, 7.1.III.A)
For this project students need to understand what New Deal programs were and how they affected the American public. Students need to understand what New Deal programs were, why they were created, who they affect, and how they were used. By creating an application project I can have a greater understanding on who understands what the Great Depression was and how this time period affected the American people. My objectives for this project would be to see if students understand the severity of the Great Depression, Understand how government creates programs and understand the basic needs that are needed for everyday
Based on the New Deal pre-test given on January 25th, Focus Student # 1 performed average. He was able to score a 40 percent. When the summative exam was administered on February 3rd, Focus Student # 1, once again performed above average scoring 100 percent. He was able to improve his score through the guided instructions and activities that I had planned out for the unit. One of those activities was the literature partner. Focus Student # 1 was tasked with reading one of FDR’s Fireside Chats and completing the researcher, and summarizer roles. This activity challenged the more advanced student by making them think outside the box and making them read a document outside their reading level.