
Focus Student 1 Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

By analyzing the pre-assessment data, Focus Student 1 has mastered the majority of the objectives that will be covered throughout this unit. Based on Focus Student 1 score, I can tell that he will have no trouble determining whether the New Deal was an effective response to the Great Depression, and determining if FDR’s New Deal undermined the constitutional principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. In terms of other learning goals, I would like Focus Student 1 to fully participate in all learning activities. He as the tendency to lose focus and checks out.
The territories of development that will be centered around are social abilities and critical analysis. I picked these territories of development since …show more content…

Based on Focus Student 2 score, I can tell that she will have trouble determining whether the New Deal was an effective response to the Great Depression, and determining if FDR’s New Deal undermined the constitutional principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. Her main learning goal will be to complete the in class activities with 100% accuracy and to complete all homework work 100% with at least a 75% accuracy.
The ranges of development that will be centered around are critical analysis, collaboration, and time management. The reason that I concentrated on coordinated effort with her is on the grounds that she experiences issues with utilizing the cooperation time. At the point when requested that impart her thoughts to others, she decides to not say much and to concentrate on taking a shot at her own. In view of exchanges I have had with my collaborating instructor I comprehend that she battles with moving beyond insignificant comprehension of thoughts and starting to investigate the data that is being examined. As far as time administration, she by and large finishes assignments before most other individuals and as opposed to utilizing the additional time to go over her answers and to sharpen what she has done on assignments, she does different things. This should be tended to keeping in mind the end

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